10 Big Brother Players Who Should Be on the Next All-Stars Season


Big Brother hasn’t officially announced the next All-Stars season. But with two successful ones so far, fans are hopeful that another might be coming in the future. The last All-Stars season was in 2020 and featured numerous returning houseguests, including fan favorites Enzo Palumbo, Nicole Franzel, Tyler Crispen, and Da’Vonne Rogers. Cody Calafiore, runner-up from season 16, emerged as the winner.

There are many former players, however, that fans were disappointed not to see. They wish these players would return for the next All-Star season, whenever that might be. These include a mix of players who haven’t appeared on the show in years, some who never won, but fans felt should have, and a few recent favorites.

Big Brother

Release Date
July 5, 2000

John de Mol, Ron Diesel

Julie Chen Moonves , Clayton Halsey , Nicole Franzel , George Boswell , Daniele Donato , Janelle Pierzina



10 Dan Gheesling

Season 10 (Winner), Season 14 (2nd Place)

Dan Gheesling smiling on finale night of Big Brother.

One of only two people to ever make it to the final two twice and the only person to ever do so and win at least one of those times, Dan Gheesling has been the player fans have wanted to see come back for ages. His last appearance was more than a decade ago in 2012 on one of the best seasons. But to this day, he is still talked about as one of the best players ever in the game and his game play is emulated by others.

His skills at manipulation, charm, quick thinking, and flipping the script are second to none. Currently appearing in the second season of Peacock reality competition series The Traitors, Dan has returned to the reality TV circuit. So, it’s a possibility he could grace Big Brother with his presence once again. Fans would be rooting for him if he did.

9 Derrick Levasseur

Season 16 (Winner)

Derrick Levasseur on Big Brother leaning over a counter, smiling.
Image via CBS.

One of the best to ever play the game, Derrick Levasseur is considered to have the cleanest game ever on the show. He was never put on the block, and his name was never even considered for eviction or nomination, yet he was quietly running every vote from the background. He was kind, level-headed, and trustworthy, so no one ever suspected that he was pulling the strings behind the scenes. He smartly aligned himself with Cody, who served as his muscle and made sure to plant seeds, so others would take the heat for his moves.

When Derrick revealed in the end that he was a police officer with experience working undercover, jaws dropped. Everything started making sense to the houseguests. Derrick was reportedly supposed to join the most recent All-Star season 22 but dropped out when his kids asked him not to be away from home for so long. It’s entirely possible that as his kids get older, Derrick might feel like the next All-Star season is the right time to return.

8 Dick Donato

Season 8 (Winner), Season 13 (Walked)

Dick Donato clapping in the kitchen on Big Brother.

One of the most controversial players ever who still loves to discuss the game of Big Brother through candid comments on X (formerly Twitter), Dick Donato intimidated his way to the end, with the reluctant support of his estranged daughter Daniele. He pulled off major moves, including using the Power of Veto on someone else when he was on the block but still managed to stay in the house.

A competition beast and a blunt personality, Dick tried to re-enter the game once but had to leave early due to a personal health emergency. As one of Big Brother’s most notorious villains, fans would love to see the man known as Evel Dick back for an All-Star season, even if it’s just to host a competition.

7 Tiffany Mitchell

Season 23 (6th Place)

Tiffany from Big Brother standing in a poker-themed room, hands clasped together.

Tiffany won America’s Favorite Houseguest for her season and returned as one of the elf hosts for the Big Brother: Reindeer Games holiday special. Credited with being the creator of The Cookout Alliance, one of the most successful ever on the show, she masterminded the idea that each member befriended a close ally outside the group. This kept them all secretly insulated with a person for each who could be used as a pawn until only The Cookout members were left in the end.

Many believe Tiffany didn’t get a fair shot at the game. She kept her allegiance to The Cookout for reasons of loyalty and representation. This was at the expense of other houseguests to whom she was closer, and whose keeping would have been better for her game. Nonetheless, Tiffany refused to turn on the alliance she created, and it ended up being her undoing. Fans would love to see Tiffany get another shot.

6 Eric Stein

Season 8 (5th Place)

A close up of Eric Stein in the diary room on Big Brother, smiling.

Eric Stein isn’t a name often heard when discussing memorable Big Brother players. But long-time fans of the reality competition show who have watched from the beginning will remember his season and how unfair circumstances led to his eviction. Up until the point that Eric was chosen as America’s Player, in a twist that has since been scrapped, he was in a great position and making good moves. The twist, however, caused him to shift his focus to accomplishing secret tasks for monetary prizes. Some of these moves were all in good fun, but others meant Eric was forced to eliminate allies and keep enemies.

It has been 17 years since Eric last appeared on the show. Now in his early 40s, it would be the perfect time to make an epic comeback. He could show what he could have done all those years ago had his game not become distracted by twists.

5 Vanessa Rousso

Season 17 (3rd Place)

Vanessa from Big Brother sitting down with a baseball cap sideways.

If there was a ranking of Big Brother players who deserved to win but never have, Vanessa Rousso would be at or near the top of the list. She’s considered a legend in the Big Brother game. Unlike others who have played numerous times and never come close, Vanessa saw the win right at her feet but couldn’t grasp it. Losing the final competition was the nail in the coffin, as the season’s eventual winner, Steve Moses made the right decision by deciding not to take her to the finale.

Vanessa has not appeared since, though her sister did play in a later season. As a professional poker player, Vanessa was strategic and managed to get everyone to trust and confide in her. She would have to play a very different game now that others know her skills and true profession. But it would be interesting to see if she could still play as well.

4 Zach Rance

Season 16 (9th Place)

Zach Rance in the Diary Room on Big Brother wearing a pink hat with his hands up talking.

One of the funniest Big Brother houseguests ever, even Zach Rance himself, has commented on social media that he would love to be asked back to the show. He was a top three America’s Favorite Houseguest finalist and most known for his loud clothing, including a bright pink hat (that was owned by a fellow houseguest but became part of his signature look), his tight bromance with fellow houseguest Frankie Grande, and his heated arguments with houseguests like Nicole Franzel where he called her colorful yet silly nicknames.

Zach’s personality could make things interesting in the house. He would likely butt heads with some and become best friends with others. His presence could also be an educational one for viewers: following his time on the show, Zach opened up about a journey towards discovering his sexuality and came out as bisexual. His growing closeness to Frankie on the show is cited as one of the pivotal moments in him coming to terms with and accepting this.

3 Victor Arroyo

Season 18 (5th Place)

Victor Arroyo sitting on the couch in Big Brother wearing a hat backwards and looking upset.

Fans might not realize that Victor Arroyo has only played Big Brother once. It might seem like more because he was able to re-enter the game on his season not once but twice. He won the Battle Back Competition then won the jury re-entry competition, coming back twice after being evicted. He was also named America’s Favorite Houseguest. Victor returned in later seasons to host competitions, and to propose to his now wife Nicole Franzel on air. Even though Big Brother isn’t a reality dating show, it has led to many successful pairings, marriages, and even babies.

Considering Nicole has returned to the show many times, including the most recent Reindeer Games special (which she won), fans would love to see Victor get a chance to return, too. A competition beast and an all-around nice and funny guy, Victor made a mistake in aligning with Paul Abrahamian, which is what arguably contributed to him becoming a target. Fans would love to see Victor play his own game as an alliance leader instead of an underdog.

2 Cameron Hardin

Season 25 (9th Place), Reindeer Games (9th Place)

A close up of Cameron Hardin from Big Brother smiling.

The most recent player fans would love to see come back is Cameron Hardin from season 25. He instantly became a fan favorite and was named as such on finale night, taking home the $50,000 America’s Favorite Houseguest prize. Fans loved his cut-throat gameplay, his charming personality, and his genuine love for the game of Big Brother as a die-hard fan.

Cameron was instantly put in a defensive position due to a few bad moves, which meant his back was up against the wall the entire time he was there. When he entered the Reindeer Games, he was instantly targeted due to his reputation for competition wins and the fact that no one knew him yet. Cameron deserves a shot at redemption and playing a fair game with some allies instead of being targeted by everyone in the house.

1 Derek Xiao

Season 23 (10th Place)

Derek Xiao from Big Brother sitting on a couch with a blue headband looking up at the screen.

Derek Xiao was a favorite to win from the beginning of his season, so it was a total shock when he was voted out so soon. He recently returned as one of the elf hosts in the Reindeer Games holiday special and competed in and won The Amazing Race with his girlfriend (whom he met in the Big Brother house during this season), Claire Rehfuss.

Derek was a strategic, likable player who won competitions, forged strong partnerships, and made big moves in the game, like targeting one of the strongest physical competitors, Christian. While Derek wasn’t named America’s Favorite Houseguest, he received the second-most votes in his season, ultimately losing to Tiffany. He’s a likable player who didn’t have a chance to shine, thrown by some of the unique twists of his season that put him at a disadvantage.

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NEXT:10 ‘Big Brother’ Players Fans Consider To Be Legends


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