12 Most Evil ‘Breaking Bad’ Villains, Ranked


Some say that a story is only as good as its villain. Breaking Bad has so many great villains that it’s hard to narrow it down to just ten. That is, if you consider Walter White (Bryan Cranston) as the protagonist or antihero of the story and not a villain himself. Indeed, the series is centered on the once humble chemistry teacher turned powerful villainous drug lord that is Walter, as well as the destruction he causes along the way.

The villains on this show were written in a way to attack Walter White in just about every way a man can be attacked. And while, of course, Walter White is evil, too, (himself being an antagonist who makes numerous questionable decisions), it’s no secret that fans root for him over the course of the series. Anyone who gets in Heisenberg’s way is deemed an antagonist, but only a few Breaking Bad villains stand out as genuinely evil characters.

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12 Jesse Pinkman

Played by Aaron Paul

Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) is primarily an ally to Walter White in Breaking Bad, but there are a few times he double-crosses, cheats, or attempts to get trip up Walter. Jesse isn’t evil as much as he is like the prodigal son, who has been led astray and seduced by greed and quick money.

As the first person Walter turns into to get into the world of drug dealing, Jesse didn’t have much of a choice following the blackmail during that initial discussion. He is an ally of Walter White throughout most of the series, though there are numerous instances where he questions the protagonist’s true intentions. These moments of uncertainty and defiance pack a powerful punch, especially when he faces off with Walter White, because the audience is emotionally invested in both characters.

11 Mike Ehrmantraut

Played by Jonathan Banks

Mike Alone

An unforgettable Breaking Bad character, Mike Ehrmantraut (Jonathan Banks) is a better person than Walter White in many ways because he really does do the evil things he does to help his family. Mike may be a skilled killer, but he only started becoming one for his grandchild’s future, as every penny goes to his son’s family.

The cancer diagnosis gave Walter White the push and gravitas he needed to be who he is. On the other hand, Mike would rather provide for his family another way. Viewers see just how true this is in his touching storylines in Better Call Saul, which further explore his relationship with his granddaughter, daughter-in-law, and the painful loss of his son. Mike is a loyal man more than an evil one. If you hire him for a job, he will get it done, even if it is an immoral job.

10 Jimmy McGill / Saul Goodman

Played by Bob Odenkirk

Breaking Bad - Saul Goodman

Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) was a good person at one time, buthe isn’t in the Breaking Bad series. He is a man who loves the con, and the excitement of living a conman’s life. In the series, he ends up becoming Walter White’s all-around evil lawyer, helping keep him out of prison and with the money laundering, too. He is a selfish, self-centered man who only looks out for Saul Goodman.

Fans learn more about Saul’s backstory in the prequel series Better Call Saul, which highlights the inner conflict that Saul (going by his name, Jimmy, back then) went through to become who he is in Breaking Bad. While his unfortunate experiences don’t excuse his morally corrupt behavior, they do explain why he strayed away from being a good lawyer to live the life of a con man.

9 Krazy-8 / Domingo Gallardo Molina

Played by Maximino Arciniega

Krazy-8 looking at Jesse in Breaking Bad

A low-level dealer, Krazy-8 (Maximino Arciniega) lives up to his business moniker at first. He seems somewhat intimidating, considering that he’s the first big baddie Walt goes up against (and kills) in the series. Eventually, fans learn that he was also a DEA informant, posing as a meth distributor in order to gain the information he feeds to the authorities.

It’s funny to think about what kind of antagonists Walter and Jesse would face after this low-level dealer with intimidating dogs. While not especially evil, Krazy-8 does play an important role in the story, as he represents an important moment when Walt has to choose if he’s willing to kill or not for his safety. It’s not too far-fetched to imagine that, if faced with the same choice, the villain would have done the same thing.

8 Tuco Salamanca

Played by Raymond Cruz

Tuco Salamanca from Breaking Bad

Tuco Salamanca (Raymond Cruz) is Walter White’s meth distributor. He is an angry, violent man. Small things can set him off and make him to dim-witted things, which of course include hurting those around him. Add this to his over-the-top personality and that makes one compelling villain. One thing that he has going for him that makes him more human than evil is his respect for the elders in his family.

He is such a prideful, angry man that there may not be a way to help a man like Tuco. It would be a stretch to call him completely evil, as that would suggest that some level of thought or malice goes into his actions, but as fans already know, Tuco just acts and chooses violence without thinking, which has led to some shockingly gruesome situations in Breaking Bad. No one was too sad to see how he went in the series.

7 Lydia Rodarte-Quayle

Played by Laura Fraser

Lydia Rodarte-Quayle from Breaking Bad

Lydia Rodarte-Quayle (Laura Fraser) is a significant enemy of Walter White and an underrated character in the fifth season of Breaking Bad. A cautious and seemingly normal executive of Madrigal Electromotive, she’s secretly involved with supplying materials to some of the most powerful drug lords in the world. She also seems like the type of person who would smile to your face then shoot you in the back when you turn around, or would snitch on her best friend if she was in prison.

During Lydia’s time in Breaking Bad, she seems to be more motivated by fear and greed than being an evil person. She does have a rotten core to her character that seems to hint how some of her actions may be less about survival and more about being a heinous villain, though. The fact that she has a daughter to support makes it hard to wish for her demise.

6 Hector Salamanca

Played by Mark Margolis

Hector Salamanca from Breaking Bad

For the Breaking Bad series, Hector Salamanca (Mark Margolis) uses a wheelchair and must ring a bell to speak, but that doesn’t stop him from finding ways to spite his enemies. An angry and violent man who takes pleasure in hurting others, Hector’s age isn’t a hindrance when it comes to expressing rage and enacting evil plans in his own ways (like the iconic explosion in “Face Off”). The elderly don of the Salamanca family was once among the most feared, and he never let anyone forget that.

Hector, like Tuco Salamanca, has high respect and love for family, which gives him some human qualities. However, these values are twisted because of the Salamanca family’s tendency to answer every problem with violence and immeasurable greed. Seeing these more human qualities makes it easy to root for Hector, especially against Gus (Giancarlo Esposito).

5 Don Eladio

Played by Steven Bauer

Don Eladio

One of the most powerful characters in Breaking Bad, Don Eladio Vuente (Steven Bauer) was the intimidating crime lord and leader of the Cartel that made most of the show’s arcs possible. Often only seen in scenes in Mexico, Don Eladio mostly lurks in the background, but is undoubtedly the one pulling the strings.

Numerous deaths – like Gus’ partner Max (James Martinez) and the tragic character Nacho (Michael Mando) – were only possible because of Eladio’s words. There’s no telling how many have died because of his decisions, but based on his narcissistic and sociopathic behavior, it’s easy to infer that the number won’t be a low one. Don Eladio was a truly evil character who would do anything to hold on to his empire and who likely would’ve been considered the evilest had he had more screen time.

4 Todd Alquist

Played by Jesse Plemons

Breaking Bad Todd

Todd Alquist (Jesse Plemons) is an evil character because he lacks conscience or empathy. If he weren’t living a life of crime, he would probably be a mass murderer or a serial killer just for fun or to have something to do when he was bored. Todd’s best remembered for the train heist, where everything seems to go well until he decides to kill a young witness.

Plemons does an excellent job of playing Todd, and he plays the character like Todd doesn’t know what’s wrong with the evil stuff he does, especially what he does to Jesse Pinkman. Todd feels that killing people without an ounce of remorse is a normal way to act, which is precisely what makes him so evil and dangerous. This nonchalance and genuine belief that what he’s doing is okay makes Todd someone you’d never want to be friends with.

3 The Cousins (Marco and Leonel Salamanca)

Played by Daniel and Luis Moncada

 Daniel and Luis Moncada as The Cousins walking in the desert in Breaking Bad
Image via AMC

The Twins (Daniel and Luis Moncada) are like a human Terminator. They are even robotic in the way they walk. They had a rough childhood, and it rubbed off on them. As nephews of Hector Salamanca, they know violence and fully embrace the bloodshed that comes with their line of work.

They are hitmen for the drug cartel who might as well be twins, but are actually just (creepily) close cousins. They want to do the job they are hired to do and have zero compassion or empathy for who they are assigned to kill. Plus, the two have a strong sense of justice (in a messed up way) whenever they feel they are wronged. When they decide they have to exact revenge – like they do with Hank – there’s no stopping them.

2 Gustavo Fring

Played by Giancarlo Esposito

Gus Close Up

At some time, Gus Fring may have been or had the potential of being a good person, but his life of crime has hardened him so much that the man Gus once was or could have been no longer exists. A major kingpin in the Breaking Bad series, he’s undoubtedly one of the best TV villains of the past decade.

With his meticulous methods and extreme caution, he built an empire that was incredibly difficult to infiltrate. He covers up his drug activity by owning legitimate businesses and doing charity work. His heart and conscience have become wicked, and he reflects who Walter White may have wanted to become. Gus is evil, but he’s also calculating. He doesn’t kill when he doesn’t feel he has to, but he also doesn’t hesitate when it’s time to give the order.

1 Jack Welker

Played by Michael Bowen

Jack Welker and Todd Breaking Bad

Jack Welker (Michael Bowen) is the leader of a neo-Nazi gang and the most evil Breaking Bad character. He is a man who is motivated by the moment. He may seem like a man motivated by money, but he is motivated by pride and pleasure. If he feels like killing someone, he does it; if he feels like taking something, he takes it and feels like he deserves it.

Jack is a sadistic man who enjoys torturing and humiliating people. He groomed his nephew Todd Alquist into a cold-blooded murderer like himself, which gives him the number one spot as the most reprehensible villain from the show. He kills without remorse and enjoys the pain it causes others. He is pure evil, and his showdown in the desert proves that in one of the most intense episodes of the series

NEXT:The Best ‘Breaking Bad’ Episodes, Ranked According to IMDb


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