5 Unconventional Prompts For ChatGPT


Boring marketing campaigns are in no one’s best interests. Your potential customers won’t be enthused to buy and you won’t be enthused to promote. Time and effort spent coming up with ideas, talking about copy and sending out your words will all have been wasted unless it captures the imagination.

ChatGPT can help you supercharge your next marketing campaign. With these five prompts, you can turn every element of your campaign into something more exciting, more compelling, more memorable. Open up ChatGPT and use the same chat window for each prompt, so the information is carried through. Never share a dull update ever again.

Train ChatGPT to improve your marketing campaigns

Understand pain points

People take action to move towards pleasure and away from pain. What’s the pain you’re helping your customer escape? Unless it really matters, they’ll do approximately nothing. Make the pain clear. Communicate how amazing their life will be without it. Position your solution as the one that will make the difference. Use this pain to propel your campaign into relevance.

“Identify the primary fears, pains or concerns of my target audience, who are [describe your target audience]. Provide suggestions on how to address and alleviate these fears in our marketing campaign.”

Use stronger language

During any given hour on the internet, your target customer sees thousands of words. Your words need to stand out. They need to grab attention and they need to provoke an emotional response. Otherwise, they’ll simply be forgotten. Don’t gently explain that amazing thing you offer, share the details using impactful language. Shorten your sentences, power up your verbs, and get someone pumped to do business with you.

“Rework this copy so it’s more impactful. Suggest 3 email titles, 3 article headlines, 3 stories for social media and 3 compelling calls to action from the text below. I want my target audience of [describe target audience] to be ready to buy my offer of [describe your offer]. Here’s the campaign description and example messaging so far: [enter copy from emails and social media posts].”

Do the opposite

You might think you have this nailed. You might be dead-set on your marketing concept, convinced it’s going to move the needle on your revenue. But consider this: the exact opposite campaign might work even better. All you need is the idea. If everyone’s selling based on feature X, why not sell on feature Y? Get ChatGPT’s ideas for crazy campaigns that take what you have and flip it upside down.

“The basis of our marketing campaign is [explain the thinking behind your campaign]. Suggest 3 ideas for other campaigns that are opposite to this in every way, taking an entirely different approach while still being positive. Make the ideas wild and out there. For each one, explain the thinking behind it and suggest accompanying headlines to go with the campaign.”

Use scarcity and urgency

There’s only one left. The doors close in five minutes. We’re nearly sold out. All the smart people are doing it. Scarcity, urgency and peer pressure work wonders for marketing campaigns. Are you using the right language in your campaign? ChatGPT can help you enlist tactics that are proven to work, to convert more leads into clients who will be relieved they bought when they did.

“Edit the example messaging provided to incorporate limited-time offers or scarcity tactics that will compel our audience into taking action right away. Give 5 examples we could use. Explain why each inclusion is likely to be effective.”

Be more controversial

Controversy makes headlines, there’s no doubt about that. But when everyone’s afraid of looking stupid or getting canceled, they’re less likely to push the boat out with opinions or say something that might be unpopular. Have some fun with ChatGPT. See how controversial you can make your campaign, then dial it back as you see fit. Test the limits of what you’re comfortable with saying on behalf of your brand, and pick up some ideas along the way.

“Incorporate controversy into our marketing content. Suggest a bold statement or viewpoint related to our industry or product, and create 5 examples of thought-provoking social media posts, article headlines and email subject titles that generate engagement and discussion.”

Supercharge your marketing campaign

Take what you have and make it better with help from ChatGPT. Transform your copy with far stronger language, get inside the minds of your audience on a whole new level, and do the opposite of everything you’ve already done. Use proven tactics of scarcity and urgency in a more effective way and see how much controversy it makes sense to deploy.

You’re not remembered for the boring campaigns that sell products slowly, you’re remembered for all those ways you made a mark. Leave a lasting legacy with these simple prompts.


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