Accused killer enters witness box in murder trial over missing campers Russell Hill, Carol Clay


Gregory Lynn says he wore gloves as part of the cleanup because “the scene was horrible.”

He says that in his job as a pilot he often helped the cabin crew clean up after a flight, and for that reason there were often gloves in the car.

Lynn says Russell Hill had a torch on his head at the time of their fight, but he doesn't remember it ever being lit.

“He was wearing a bungee flashlight with a single bulb in the front. He was wearing that the night of the fight, the night he died, and it stayed with him. It was on his head when I put it in the trailer.

Exhibits shown to the jury included this photograph of Lynn's shotgun.

Lynn says he brought two firearms with him on the trip, a hunting rifle for long-range deer shooting in open brush or pasture and a shotgun with a laser pointer for shorter range shots in darker conditions, such as a thick bush

“The whole point of having a laser sight on your shotgun … is that you can put the laser dot on the target and you're sure the round will hit that target.

“So the slug went through the mirror, if I had done what the police said I did… if someone had shot Carol Clay with the laser sight on, the laser would have lit up the mirror, no to Carol Clay.”

Lynn says she cleaned the gun when she got home. “I wanted to remove every trace of what had happened in my life and that gun. I didn't want anything coming to Hill with me. It would have had his fingerprints, his DNA on it.”


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