After debate debacle, Jill Biden tries to convince us Joe is fit to lead


However, she was more outspoken later in the day at an LGBTQ fundraiser in the city, saying of her husband's debate performance: “I know it's on your mind.”

“As Joe said today, he's not a young man,” he allowed. “And you know, after the debate last night, he said, 'You know, Jill, I don't know what happened. I didn't feel so good.' And I said, 'Look, Joe, we're not going to let 90 minutes define the four years you've been president.'


The first lady strongly defended the president's abilities, indicating that there was no backing down from her intention, her intention, in fact, for him to go ahead with his campaign.

“What my husband does know how to do is tell the truth,” she said. “When Joe gets knocked down, Joe gets back up, and that's what we're doing today.”

Jill Biden, 73, has long been her husband's top confidant and public defender, but her role has expanded this year and is increasingly drawing scrutiny from Trump supporters, some of whom question if she's the one doing the directing these days.

As the first lady held the president's hand as she exited the debate stage after her halting performance, Republican Rep. Chip Roy of Texas reposted the video on X with the question: “Who's the boss boss?”

Jill Biden, initially reluctant to accept the role of political spouse, is all there.

Earlier this year, when voters denied that Biden would actually seek another term, it was Jill Biden who squashed the idea that he might not.

“How many times does he have to say it for you to believe it?” the first lady told the AP in a February interview during a trip to Africa. She added: “It says it's not over. It hasn't finished what it started. And that's what's important.”

A native of the Philadelphia area, his tone has become increasingly forceful as he has told supporters that Trump has “raised my Philly.” But the race with the former Republican is tight, and he said at the fundraiser Friday that “We have to work harder than we've ever worked.”

Jill Biden is in the midst of her husband's re-election campaign.Credit: AP

Not only does she talk about her husband's best attributes, she regularly tells stories of their courtship and life together for fans. During Friday's events, he told LGBTQ+ gatherings that Trump is a “threat” to their rights and “we can't let him win,” a sign that he won't be rushing out of the business of politics.

Last month, the first lady gave a commencement speech to Arizona community college students where she talked about ignoring doubt and moving forward with her goals.

“The next time someone tells you 'you can't,' you're going to say, 'Oh yeah? Look at me,'” he said.


It echoed the words her husband has used on several occasions when asked about his ability to do the job for four more years: “Look at me.”

The New York Times

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