AI Uncovers Hidden Secret In Painting By Renaissance Master Raphael

Arts & Celebrities

Five hundred years after Italian Renaissance master Raphael painted a scene of the Madonna, Jesus, Joseph and John the Baptist, artificial intelligence has uncovered a secret. Someone else likely painted one of the faces featured in the image.

“Madonna della Rosa” (Madonna of the Rose) depicts Mary cradling an infant Jesus, who grasps a scroll. A young Saint John the Baptist, seen at Mary’s feet, reaches up from below to tug on the parchment. And to Mary’s left stands Joseph. It is his face, scientists suggest in a study published in Heritage Science on Thursday, that came from the hand of someone other than Raphael.

Researchers reached that conclusion using a deep-learning algorithm aimed at authenticating work by the artist, a High Renaissance luminary who lived from 1483 to 1520 and often gets mentioned alongside Michelangelo, Botticelli and Leonardo da Vinci.

The AI, developed by Professor Hassan Ugail of the U.K.’s University of Bradford, does that by recognizing the artist’s work through visual elements such as brushstrokes, color palette and shading. Ugail, director of the school’s Centre for Visual Computing and Intelligent Systems, trained the system on 49 authenticated signature Raphael paintings.

“The algorithm is 98% accurate, which, in broad terms, means that if it is shown 100 paintings of Raphael, it can correctly classify 98 of them, and there is a chance it could misclassify two of them,” Ugail, co-author of the paper on the Raphael-authenticating AI tool, said in an email interview. “I believe this level of accuracy is perhaps much better than any human attempting the same classification without the aid of any tools.”

Establishing a painting’s legitimacy is, of course, important to art history and scholarship, as well as to the commercial art world, where forgery, misattribution and the natural aging of artworks can lead to identification errors with implications worth many millions of dollars. But in the case of “Madonna della Rosa,” the AI art authenticator may also have answered a puzzling art history question that’s surrounded the canvas.

The 16th-century painting, which hangs in Madrid’s Museo del Prado, has long intrigued art experts—including Raphael scholar Jurg Meyer zur Capellen—who have theorized that someone other than Raphael painted the lower part of it. Some art connoisseurs have also noticed that the quality of composition and painting for the Madonna, Child and St. John surpasses that of Joseph.

They will probably not be surprised then, to learn that the AI tool appears to have confirmed that “Madonna della Rosa” is in fact the work of Raphael, save for Joseph’s face, which is noticeably darker than the other visages.

It’s impossible to know exactly which elements of the painting tipped off the AI that a second artist probably had a hand in composing Joseph’s face. “All in all, it can use as many as 4,000 features to do the classification,” Ugail said.

And while Raphael is known to have collaborated with others, particularly students in his workshop (one prized pupil, Giulio Romano, often gets cited as a collaborator), Ugail doesn’t have any guesses as to who painted Mary’s husband in “Madonna della Rosa.”

“Since this particular algorithm can only classify if a given painting is Raphael or not, with this alone, it is not possible for us to infer who else might have painted Joseph’s face,” he said.

As part of an ongoing project analyzing Raphael’s work, Ugail applied the AI to other Raphael paintings, such as “The Virgin,” also known as “Haddo Madonna,” which was originally attributed to another Italian artist, Innocenzo Francucci da Imola, but later reassessed and attributed to Raphael. The algorithm supports the claim that Raphael painted the scene, one of a number of the artist’s works that portray the Madonna.

The “Madonna della Rosa” revelation is just the latest epiphany about historical art to emerge with the aid of technology—from algorithms assisted by machine learning to X-rays and digital imaging techniques. Tech recently helped reveal how Leonardo daVinci painted “Mona Lisa.” And it undressed a female nude that had been painted over for centuries.

‘Computer-Assisted Connoisseurship’

The Raphael investigation “is another step in the demonstration of how computer image analysis, machine learning, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence can be used as tools in ‘traditional’ art scholarship,” said study co-author David G. Stork, a Stanford University professor who specializes in computer image analysis of fine art paintings and drawings. He calls this collaboration between human and machine “computer-assisted connoisseurship.”

“The paper’s conclusions are suggestive but should be integrated with traditional connoisseurship and art-historical study of Raphael’s work,” Stork said in an email. “Currently computer results alone are rarely sufficient for most art historical tasks.”

Still, the researchers maintain that those results represent valuable, promising tools. So does Catherine Harding, a professor of art history and visual studies at Canada’s University of Victoria who was not involved with the Raphael research.

“It is wonderful if we can use AI in this way,” Harding said in an email. “It won’t be irrefutable. It will depend entirely on the expertise of the people doing the programming, but if they can write the right kind of algorithm, it will be very useful.”

In addition to Ugail and Stork, others who contributed to the new study include Howell Edwards, a University of Bradford professor emeritus of molecular spectroscopy and Professor Christopher Brooke, a historian of ecclesiastical art and architecture at the U.K.’s University of Nottingham.

Ugail has released the code for his algorithm so the public can test it and replicate it, presumably for similar visual analyses.

“A properly trained AI model,” he said, “can be a very useful tool that could be utilized to quickly assess if a given piece of art falls above the threshold for further analysis in the authentication process, which, in turn, could save valuable time and resources.”


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