Australian shoppers outraged over one small detail after a shoplifter is caught stealing $400 worth of groceries


A thief was caught red-handed trying to steal a basket with $400 worth of groceries from Woolworths – but Australian shoppers are outraged over one small detail.

A local Queensland crime watch group shared an image of the basket which contained 27 items including chicken, breakfast foods, underwear, other essentials and amounted to $398.39 with savings of $93.40.

‘Today in Woolworths a so called customer tried to steal this basket full,’ the group wrote amid the cost of living crisis. 

‘If you listened to the TV report on shoplifting, we the people who pay for our goods also pay for theirs because we pay a loss percentage which is built into every item we pay for.’

But Aussies zeroed in on the ‘infuriating’ cost of a small basket of food and criticised large chain stores for ‘unreasonable’ prices. 

A thief was caught red-handed trying to steal a basket with $400 worth of groceries from Woolworths – but Australian shoppers are outraged over a small detail

Hundreds took aim at Woolworths for 27 items costing $400 after discounts.

‘The fact the basket full is $398 is no doubt the real crime!’ one said. ‘How disgusting charging people that much for a basket of food.’

‘I am more shocked that it came to $400. I would expect to fill my trolley up for that amount,’ another wrote.

‘People are just trying to survive. Food banks only offer almost expired fruit, veggies, and bread. The food prices is a crime within itself! How sad!’ a woman said.

A few offered advice for people struggling to make ends meet.

‘A lot of people don’t know about the places where you can get a food trolley for $25 or $50,’ a man wrote.

‘These places need to be advertised more so people don’t resort to stealing, like Loaves and Fishes and Lighthouse Care. Nobody should go hungry but getting a criminal record to feed your family isn’t the answer either.’

A local Queensland crime watch group shared an image of a Woolies basket a thief attempted to steal, which contained 27 items including chicken, breakfast foods, underwear, and more and amounted to $398.39 with savings of $93.40

A local Queensland crime watch group shared an image of a Woolies basket a thief attempted to steal, which contained 27 items including chicken, breakfast foods, underwear, and more and amounted to $398.39 with savings of $93.40

Many Facebook users expressed their fury at the crime watch group.

‘Why are we shaming people that are forced to steal to survive?’ one asked.

‘With the increasing cost of living, no wonder people are stealing,’ another said.

But others pointed out that several almost-stolen items weren’t ‘essentials’, such as skincare and branded underwear.

‘You don’t need plump serum or Bonds brand items to survive – unless you can afford it then get the cheaper items,’ a woman said.

Call Foodbank Australia on 1800 979 777 for emergency relief


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