BATMAN: CAPED CRUSADER Trailer Is Moody, Stylish, and Packed with Villains


Fans have been waiting for a first look at the new animated Batman series from Bruce Timm, Matt Reeves and JJ Abrams. Now, we finally have our first trailer Batman: Caped Crusader, which premieres on Prime Video on August 10. The new series is a period piece, set in a 1940s version of Gotham City. They've reimagined all the familiar villains, with some going back to their roots from the golden age of DC Comics. Our new Batman/Bruce Wayne is Hamish Linklater. You can check out the first trailer of Batman: Caped Crusader right here:

The trailer showcases the distinctive animation style of Bruce Timm, who of course was one of the men behind the iconic Batman: The Animated Series more than thirty years ago. Batman's look harkens back to his early comic book days, in black and grey, with larger pointy ears. It almost looks like he took the cover off Detective comics #27 of 1939, his first appearance. We also see Catwoman (Christina Ricci), wearing his old school outfit, which was a purple dress with a green cape. The Batman: Caped Crusader The trailer gives us glimpses of other famous Bat-villains, including Two-Face, Clayface, Firefly and a completely reinvented Harley Quinn. You may even see the penguin, briefly.

Batman: Caped Crusader art poster
Animation/Prime Video by Warner Bros

The trailer of Batman: Caped Crusader it also gives plenty of screen time to police detective Renee Montoya, who will have a prominent role in the show. Interestingly, Montoya was first created Batman: The Animated Series, similar to how Harley Quinn was. Refreshingly, there is a distinct lack of Joker in this trailer. Probably the creators involved feel it's too overexposed right now. But we can't imagine we'll ever see the Clown Prince of Crime in this series, or The Riddler. Batman fans will just have to be patient.

Batman: Caped Crusader releases all 10 episodes on August 1st.


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