Can You Find Love At Coachella?


Between doses of ’shrooms and episodes of Planet Earth, Ella’s one-year relationship came to an end at Coachella 2022. The 26-year-old says she and her ex had already had “an absolutely awful” experience walking around the festival for two hours without speaking to each other before getting into a huge fight while trying to leave. At the hotel, they put on the nature documentary, during which she had a revelation. “I will always thank Obama for helping me realize ‘He’s not the one,’” she says, “because I just kept hearing his narration about how many things matter in the world, and I was like, ‘This man does not matter.’”

The next morning, Ella’s ex asked her if she thought they should be together. Her answer: no. He then asked if she wanted to go to Day Two. Again, no. They drove back to L.A. in silence and haven’t spoken since. Ella, now single, did return to Coachella the next year, where she exchanged numbers with someone at an afterparty. They soon bumped into each other again at the festival. “They went to find their friends 20 minutes before Frank Ocean’s set, and then right before the set started, they came back and said, ‘I’d rather just stay here and watch it with you,’” Ella says. “I thought, ‘This is it. I don’t need anyone else for the rest of my life.’ We hooked up and then never talked again.”


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