CBS News price tracker shows how much food, utility and housing costs are rising


Voters are frustrated by inflation

Voters are frustrated with inflation and the economy in general


How consumers cope with persistent inflationCBS News is tracking the change in the prices of everyday household expenses, from food at the grocery store to utilities and even rent, across the country.

Based on a wide range of government and private data, the tracking charts below show how cost of goods and services have changed from before the pandemic to the most recent information available. That's the last month for most articles.

The price tracker is based on data released by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics for food, household goods and services and Zillow for rent and home purchase prices. Each chart notes and links to the source of the original data.

In the case of recurring household costs, rents and home sales, the 2024 data quoted is current to last month and is compared to the same month in previous years going back to 2019.

Zillow compiles the real estate data from the tracker, which thoroughly studies home sales prices, rents and other housing costs using a combination of its own site listings, public records and economic trends.


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