Christian Williams killed himself, deputies say


Christian Williams (left) killed himself during the search for Joey Fournier (top left of the quadrant), Johnifer Barnwell (top right), Chavis Stokes (bottom left), and Marc Anderson (bottom right), deputies said. (Image of Williams: Bibb County Sheriff’s Office; images of the escapees: FBI)

A search for four escaped inmates uncovered a fifth fugitive who killed himself as U.S. Marshals closed in.

Christian Williams, 23, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound after U.S. Marshals arrived at an apartment complex, The Pines on Vineville, on Monday morning, the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office in Georgia said.

Authorities said the federal agents knocked on an apartment door. A man spoke to them from behind the closed door, and gunfire pierced the door from his side as Marshals announced themselves. Authorities called for help from the sheriff’s office SWAT team.

“Once the SWAT Team was on the scene, they were met by a subject that was inside of the apartment when the gunfire occurred,” authorities wrote. “The subject advised that a male subject was down from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.”


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