Commentator Claims She Had ‘Unrealistic Expectations’


In the early days of royal life, Prince Harry reportedly had to tell Meghan Markle “what to do,” says a royal commentator once close to the Duke of Sussex. She claims Meghan had “unrealistic expectations” of her role as a royal family member.

Meghan Markle reportedly looked at her role within the royal family as an opportunity

Royal commentator and author Angela Levin spent an extraordinary amount of time with Prince Harry. She logged 15 months with the Duke when writing the book Harry: Conversations with the Prince.

Therefore, she has an inside look at how Prince Harry handled his relationship with Meghan Markle. Levin told Sky News Australia that Harry tried to warn Meghan how her life would change as a royal family member.

Levin contradicted commentary from Lady Glenconner, a childhood friend of the late Queen Elizabeth who claimed Meghan thought she would be “riding around in a golden coach” after her marriage. She reportedly did not realize the extent of what was expected of her as a senior royal.

Levin states, “Harry – who I spent a lot of time with, as you know – told me that he spent a lot of time telling her [Meghan] what she should do. What was important, what wasn’t so important, and how her life would be.”

Levin told Sky News host Paul Murray, “She didn’t think of it [royal life] as a fairy princess. [Meghan] thought of it as a way of making money and getting help in a peculiar way.”

Angela Levin claims Meghan Markle believed the royal family was ‘like a company’

Meghan Markle reportedly had misconceptions about her royal role. Angela Levin claims that she believed working for the clan was “like a company, an office” instead of an all-encompassing job.

Reportedly, Meghan had a reputation for asking for money for royal engagements. Levin said when Meghan went to Australia, she thought she should be paid. “She was thinking of the role like you do a company.”

Levin continues, “She also felt that when she was allegedly suicidal, she went to HR, and they said to her, ‘Look, we can’t help you because we only do staff.’ And she said, ‘You’ve got to help me because no one will do it.’”

“Of course, they couldn’t. They could do the cooks and the aides. What she didn’t do was go to the royal family or Harry and say, ‘Look, help me because I feel very bad.’ There are loads of doctors at the palace,” Levin says of the help available to all royal family members.

Angela Levin’s comments about Meghan Markle differ from Queen Elizabeth’s close friend, Lady Glenconner

Meghan Markle and Queen Elizabeth photographed during the opening of the Mersey Gateway Bridge on June 14, 2018, in Widnes, England | Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Lady Glenconner was a childhood friend of Queen Elizabeth. She was also the maid of honor at Elizabeth’s 1947 wedding to Prince Philip.

Lady Glenconner shared her thoughts about Meghan Markle on the Rosebud with Gyles Brandreth podcast: “I think the thing about Meghan was, she had no idea what was expected of her, really. I think she just thought it was sort of like being another actor, you know.”

She continued, “Riding around in a golden coach and everything like that. Actually, being a member of the royal family, a lot of it is extremely boring.”

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle reside in Montecito, CA. They have two children, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet.


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