Could Lestat Meet Jesus in a Future INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE Season? Quite Possibly!


Interview with the vampire finished its second season, concluding the events of Anne Rice's first novel. At the end of the series, the titular interview director Daniel Molloy (Eric Bogosian) publishes the interviews as a book and goes on a press tour. During a stop on an Atlanta news show, the host pokes fun at his book and laments how this respected reporter was now “a Bigfoot hunter, tracing the bloodline of Jesus.”

This, of course, was a joke The Da Vinci Code, and the conspiracies that proliferated after the book's success. However, it could mean more, as Jesus is actually an Anne Rice character Chronicles of vampires. And in a possible future season, we could see the vampire Lestat drink the blood of Christ. Nor do we refer metaphorically to a church. We mean the real blood of Jesus, about two thousand years ago.

The Vampire Lestat (Sam Reid) holding a crucifix in Interview with the Vampire season two.

Vampire Lestat meets Jesus Memnoch the devil

The event in question takes place in Anne Rice's fifth vampire novel, in 1995 Memnoch the devil. This book came out at the height of Lestat-mania, right after the release of the 1994 feature film Interview with the vampire. In fact, the VHS rental of Interview had a video message from Rice's promotion Memnoch the devil. The novel was a huge hardcover bestseller, but it was a departure from the period vampire melodrama of the earlier books. Instead, he focused on religious issues. Chronicles of vampires fans still remain divided.

Hardcover and paperback for Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice
Knopf/Ballantine Books

After the world-shaking events of book three, The Queen of the Damned, and with his stolen body in book four, The tale of the body thief, Lestat is at his peak power. A being claiming to be Satan approaches Lestat in New Orleans. Only, he hates that name, and much prefers the name of Memnoch, the Devil. He wants the “Brat Prince” Lestat at his side, thinking he would be a perfect lieutenant in his ideological battle against God, and takes him on a journey through history. Memnoch then shows all the religious atrocities done in the name of God.

Lestat was at the crucifixion (or was he?)

Sam Reid as the vampire Lestat in Interview with the Vampire Season 2.

At one point, Lestat meets Jesus at the crucifixion. Jesus offers Lestat his blood, which he consumes. Lestat emerges today with Veronica's Veil, proof of his religious experience. The vampire Armand was so moved by this that he immolated himself in the sun in front of a crowd as “proof” of the miracle (don't worry, he gets better and even gets his own book). At the end of the novel, however, Lestat is not sure if what he experienced was real or not. He suspects it was. Lestat loses his bullets at this point and goes catatonic for the better part of a decade. Several novels in later years focused on other vampires in the series.

Could we ever get to this controversial moment in Rice history? Memnoch the devil is the fifth book in the series, i Interview with the vampire Showrunner Rolin Jones recently said that he would love to potentially make it to eight seasons. If each book makes up two seasons of television, seasons seven and eight could be adapted Memnoch the devil. Perhaps by this time, the world will be ready to see it By Sam Reid meet a fictitious Jesus of Nazareth.


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