Dallas Cowboys’ Victoria Kalina Shares Struggle With Depression


Dallas Cowboys Director of Cheerleaders Kelli Finglass addresses the body image conversation

Content Warning: This story is about eating disorders and depression.

For Victoria Kalinabeing a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader came at a chilling cost.

The fourth-year veteran reflected on how she struggled deeply with her mental health and body image while on the team.

“I've never been open about it, but my depression becomes this vicious cycle,” Victoria explained to Netflix. America's Sweethearts: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders docuseries “Whenever I get into a bad depression, I turn to poor coping skills, which lead to bad eating habits. And as a dancer, the hardest thing you can fight is eating disorders plus depression.”

“I go through the cycle when that depression zone hits,” he continued. “It's a purging cycle. It's a binge to fill that feeling of good again, that feeling of emptiness. But then it's game time, so you've got to put on the baby clothes, put on the uniform of the baby and that cycle just keeps going.”


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