Dance Moms’ Kelly Hyland Reveal Breast Cancer Diagnosis


Paige sensed how difficult the talk might be the moment her mother asked them to make a call.

“I had an instant feeling that something wasn't right,” she told E! news “As soon as he told us the bad news, I felt like I was in shock and then quickly a whirlwind of emotions hit me. Not only was I scared, I was also angry, sad and confused as to why this would happen to someone as amazing as my mother.”

The overriding feeling, however, was fear as she remembered all the trauma of watching her maternal grandmother endure her own battle with cancer.

“We lost my nana to cancer in 2019,” Paige explained, “so I understood the long road ahead of us and it hurt to imagine my mom going through that same feeling.”

In that sense, she and Brooke were in step.

“We watched my Nana fight cancer for years, so I knew we were at the start of a very long and challenging road,” echoed Brooke. “I hated having to watch it happen to another important person in my life.”


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