Even Smaller Seep Deficit Can Impact Heart Health, Says Study


Delaying bedtime by just 90 minutes each night can have a substantial impact on the body.

The link between sleep and heart health is irrefutable, and the Columbia University study underscores the notion that even small sleep deficits matter.

A recent study suggests that delaying bedtime by just 90 minutes each night can directly impact your heart health. The study by Columbia University published in the journal Scientific Report supports the hypothesis that poor sleep is connected to heart health issues, particularly heart disease. Surveys have previously shown that people reporting mild but chronic sleep deficits tend to develop more heart disease later in life compared to those with adequate sleep. After just six weeks of experiencing shortened sleep, the cells lining blood vessels were found to be inundated with damaging oxidants. Sleep-restricted cells failed to activate antioxidant responses to clear these destructive molecules, leading to inflammation and dysfunction in the cells. This study provides direct evidence that chronic mild sleep deficits can lead to heart disease. The research involved nearly 1,000 women, with 35 healthy women who usually slept seven to eight hours per night participating in the 12-week study. For six weeks, participants maintained their usual sleep routine, while for the other six weeks, they delayed bedtime by 1.5 hours each night.

What Are The Key Implications and Takeaways?

These are some key takeaways from the study that highlight the necessity to sleep on time.

  • Sleep is really important for our health and even a smaller sleep deficit can impact overall health, especially cardiovascular health.
  • Consistent sleep patterns are crucial for maintaining good health. Variations in sleep schedules can lead to cellular damage, inflammation, and heart disease.
  • The study reiterates the importance of not only the duration of sleep but also the quality. Restorative sleep is necessary for the body’s repair and maintenance processes.
  • Individuals, especially those who are young and healthy, should recognize the significance of prioritizing adequate and consistent sleep to reduce their cardiovascular risk.

How To Manage Your Sleep Schedule?

For establishing a good sleep schedule keep these points in mind :

  • Try to create a consistent sleep schedule that can give complete rest to your body. Even on the weekends, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Maintaining consistency improves the quality of your sleep by balancing your body’s internal clock.
  • Establish a relaxing bedtime ritual to let your body know when it’s time to relax. This might include doing deep breathing techniques, reading, or light stretching.
  • Make sure you have a sleeping-friendly bedroom. Invest in a cozy mattress and pillows, and keep the space quiet, dark, and chilly.
  • Before going to bed, stay away from devices, including laptops, tablets, and cell phones. Screen blue light has the potential to disrupt your sleep-wake cycle.
  • Avoid large meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime. These can disrupt your sleep patterns and affect heart health if consumed excessively.
  • Engage in regular physical activity, but try to finish your workout at least a few hours before bedtime. Exercise promotes better sleep and heart health.
  • High stress levels can negatively impact both sleep and heart health. Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing.

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Post source: The Health Site


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