Face the Nation: Morell, Salvanto


Face the Nation: Morell, Salvanto – CBS News

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Did you miss the second half of the show? The latest on… Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell, a CBS News national security administrator, has warned that the threat environment right now echoes the period before the 9/11 terrorist attacks of September But he tells “Face the Nation” there is a “lack of sense of urgency” on the part of the White House and Congress, CBS News director of elections and polls Anthony Salvanto tells “Face the Nation ” that many voters under the age of 30 believe that the older generation is leaving them a more dangerous world, with a worse environment and fewer opportunities. But fewer young voters say they will vote in this election than voters over 65, and “Face the Nation” asked a focus group of 2,024 voters in battleground states if they could be persuaded to vote for a presidential candidate other than they had already chosen “I don't think you can take any of his words literally anymore. It's mostly political theater and comedy,” said one voter.

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