FALLOUT Series’ Sarita Choudhury Teases a Queer Love Story and How Moldaver Survived the Bombs


In media, there is subtext, and then there is text that has yet to tell its story. And when I looked the final episode of the Negative consequence first season of the series, I was convinced that what I saw brewing between Sarita Choudhury's Moldaver and Lucy's mother, Rose Maclean (in both ghoul and non-ghoul form) was simply text waiting until season two blossomed. Fortunately, I didn't have to cling to my suspicions until Negative consequence second season. We at nerdy We were delighted to speak with Sarita Choudhury about Moldaver's journey in the first season of the Negative consequence series and delves into her character's backstory, romance, namesake, and more.

Fallout Series Sarita Choudhury's Moldaver
Prime Video

While Choudhury couldn't answer all of our questions (some things just need to be saved until season two), the subtext of our Negative consequence The interview certainly teases hidden depths, unexpected canon connections, and exciting future stories for Moldaver.

Nerdist: The scenes between Moldaver and Lucy's mother, Rose MacLean, both in the present and in the flashbacks, felt very romantic to me, as if they were telling a tragic love story. So I have to ask, is Moldaver in love with Rose MacLean in the? Negative consequence series? And if so, how hard was it to watch her turn into a feral ghoul?

Sarita Choudhury: I love that you have done something clever. You asked the question and then asked a second. So if I answered the second, I would answer the first. So I can't really answer, but I can tell you the level of closeness and the family structure with Hank, Rose and Lucy – there's something there. And I can't say more than that.

I saw it with my own eyes. The show told us.

Choudhury: I love it.

Sarita Choudhury's Moldaver from the Fallout series smiles at Rose Maclean teasing the oddball romance
Prime Video

Do you think we could see more of the relationship between Moldaver and Rose in the second season of Negative consequence through flashbacks?

Choudhury: If there is a second season, I'm very interested in this whole period because mostly Hank has been portrayed as the good guy, as I suffer as the bad guy to begin with. So I can't wait to see behind the scenes of this family unit and how I fit into it.

Fallout Series Sarita Choudhury's Moldaver with Rose Maclean and Lucy, teasing a possible queer romance
Prime Video

So this could also go a bit into the realm of theory, but in the Negative consequence series we see ghouls taking medicine to keep them from going wild, which we haven't seen in games before. And Moldaver is this scientifically savvy lady and she has a close relationship with someone who is becoming a wild ghoul in the world. Negative consequence series Do you think he's ever tried to find a cure for ghoulification or worked on it?

Choudhury: I bet he did, and I bet he also knew how much… Say you take meds, like in life, how much it helps, and then fuck off later. So I bet it was part of surviving and trying to bring cold fusion to the Wasteland, definitely. I love this theory.

Fallout Series Moldaver holding hands with Rose Maclean as a ghoul that sparks the strange romance
Prime Video

One thing I know a lot of people are very curious to know is how Moldaver survived from earlier times to later times. Negative consequence. Is there anything you can share about how you got through the nuclear apocalypse and the 200 years that followed?

Choudhury: I can't, but I like your predictions, and I think you can figure things out. But again, it's in line with her being a scientist. The fact that he created cold fusion makes me think he can figure out how to live.

Sarita Choudhury in the Prime Video series Fallout as Moldaver
Prime Video

When we meet Moldaver in the past, she is this woman of science. And even in his Wasteland form, he seems like a pretty pragmatic person. But she also has this Flame Mother personality that is steeped in blood and ash and ritual. Moldaver herself developed this kind of hidden form, and how did she get the name Flame Mother?

Choudhury: Well, first of all, I love that you use the word “pragmatic,” because when I was asked, “How did I approach the role,” for me, the only way to make Moldaver work was with pragmatism. If you become a cult leader, I don't think you give yourself those qualities. I think they put you on top, so blood, bowing, kneeling is something fans do. You could literally be standing around doing nothing. So I think that pragmatism, and not being crazy, and being almost logical is actually a quality that makes a leader in a world that is apocalyptic.

I think it all came more from his pragmatism. I love that you used that word. That's what I was obsessing over… You're a little psychic.

Fallout Series Moldaver Flame Mother by Sarita Choudhury
Prime Video

In the same line, where the name Moldaver comes from Negative consequence? Because in his flashbacks, his last name was Williams, and does that mean anything?

Choudhury: So you just need a second season. I don't know what to tell you. You are questions from the second season. If there is a second season, you will be the first interviewer. You won't even need it by then because you'll be in season three.

we will wait Negative consequence the second season to learn more about Moldaver's origin story.

Choudhury: perfect

Fallout Series Sarita Choudhury's Moldaver with Hank Maclean
Prime Video

All in all, as we said before, Moldaver seems more like a good guy than a bad guy Negative consequence series But of course, as the show says, a bad guy doesn't look like a bad guy. How would you rate Moldaver as a character looking back on the first season?

Choudhury: That's why I wanted to play her because in life I'm a bit like that. I don't really see things in terms of good and bad. I see things in terms of intelligence and curiosity as an indicator of people. And that's why I enjoyed playing her in episode 1 where I said, “I don't care if people think she's so bad and then they think she's good,” because she's kind of both because to storm once again, it's still killing. people

But his mission is so pure that he is saving multitudes. So I think for her it's a game of math and heart.

Moldaver plants these seeds about Vault-Tec's evil and Cooper Howard, who later becomes The Ghoul, but we don't see them interact again in the first season of Negative consequence series Where do you think the relationship went after what we saw of them in the past?

Choudhury: I think the fact that the seed really got into him and the fact that he started looking at that listening device and looking at his wife, I think it's interesting. If the bomb hadn't happened, they would have formed an alliance that would have been very interesting, but I'm curious why it happened to them right after if they met.

Fallout Series Sarita Choudhury's Moldaver with Cooper Howard or The Ghoul
Prime Video

And if they meet again or have met in the Wasteland.

Choudhury: Oh, I love it.

Even if we can't talk about all of that, do you know the whole story of your character or just bits and pieces?

Choudhury: I know bits and pieces. I think that's why the writers tried not to come to set too much. We just rush them. They were like our gold. But I know a little more than you.

Moldaver enters the fray in the Fallout series
Prime Video

In the games, Shady Sands and the new California Republic have quite a bit of history and a few characters associated with them. Do you think Moldaver has history with any canon characters? Negative consequence games we already know? Or is it just a little original?

Choudhury: I think so. Again, I can't wait to see what would happen if they showed this time period. There are so many characters, and she should interact with them, so I think so.

Moldaver and Wilzig seem to be working together, but far apart, and Wilzig has been to The Enclave and Moldaver has been to his hideout. Have they been working together to build long distance cold fusion, or was he just doing his thing without her?

Choudhury: I create more of my own stuff, but there is that connection. I think you're too psychic to talk about it.

Moldaver unlocks cold fusion in the main video series
Prime Video

incredible Well, here's a closer and easier one. It was so funny to me because I was watching the trailer for Fallout and I saw your dramatic appearance as Moldaver, and I was like, “God, I really know her.” And then I realized it was from And so, but I actually think Seema and Moldaver have a connection. I feel like Seema could be a Moldavian if she put her mind to it. What was it like going from performing in the wilds of New York City to the wilds of Wasteland?

Choudhury: God, it's so much fun. What was crazy was… It's interesting. There's definitely a bossy quality to both of them, so it's easy. But even the costume, when I was playing Moldaver in the vaults in my pretend and dirty vault dweller outfit and then the guns and I was in a tank at one point, that's when he left, and the 'joy of having mud on my face at one point, I said, “Finally.” I loved it.


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