Figure Skater Amber Glenn On Her Beauty Routines On And Off The Ice


If you follow figure skating, you know the name Amber Glenn. The 24-year-old won the US national title in January 2024 and has amassed over a million followers on TikTok, where she films her best skating moves, close-ups of her bejeweled makeup looks and fun lip syncs with her. friends on ice But beyond his capacity nail a triple Axel (she'She is only the sixth American woman to achieve one in international competition), Glenn has also become an inspirational figure for his defense.

From taking a notable hiatus from her sport in the service of her mental health in 2015, to coming out as a member of the LGBTQ+ community in 2019, Glenn has always existed in the competitive figure skating space on her own terms. Her decision to stay true to herself has led to the biggest accolades of her career to date, and something tells us she's just getting started.

Later, NYLON talks to Glenn about the meditative aspect of doing your own hair and makeup, the best moisturizing routine for cold temperatures, and how her beauty routine plays a role in her winning mindset.

Figure skating is one of the sports that lends itself to a lot of glamor and make-up; Was it always something you were drawn to?

To be honest, no. I was a girl. When I was younger and my mom would put liquid glitter in my eyes, I would start to cry. It just wasn't my thing. But as I got older, makeup became part of the process. It became part of the preparation – putting on my war paint and getting into character just added a boost of confidence. Now that's a big part.

Can you think of an event or competition that was really pivotal for you? Take me through that day beauty-wise.

There are a few that are pretty fundamental. Of course, a more recent one would be this year, when I won my first National Championship. But going back a little further, the first [pivotal moment was] when I won my first senior national medal in 2021. That was my first big breakthrough.

It's hard to remember exactly what happened that day, but at the time we were all separated due to COVID. So, I was on my own and I really took the time to get into my routine and zone, that's part of preparing for the competition. You warm up off the ice, stretch, put on your skates. Part of that is also making sure my hair is pulled back, that my makeup looks right, that my skin looks nice. It's all part of getting ready to go out and perform. I wanted to look my best and feel very confident.

What kind of preparation goes into planning your look for a pageant, from wardrobe to makeup?

Once I find the music with my choreographer, there is an American figure skating team that will help advise me [on the look]. They'll ask, “Are we going for a softer look or a bolder look?” Or say, “That color would look great,” or “That fabric flows a certain way.” There's just a lot of thought and effort that goes into creating this complete package.

I will give my input as well as my coaches. Of course, we'll run it through a few judges just to make sure there's nothing that doesn't pass. We have to follow some guidelines, it can't be to the point of being too elegant. Too strange a look can end up being a deduction. There are many steps and efforts in the process, but many times I listen to a piece of music, there is a vision, and I do my best to express what I feel and think.

In 2021, what was the vision of these routines? Walk me through the looks you've decided on.

For the free skate, it was to a piece called “Rain In Your Black Eyes” [by Ezio Bosso], and we went with this rain look — a little blue and a little plain just because it's such an expressive show. For the short program, the song was “Scars” by Madilyn Bailey, which was a cover of a punk rock song, so again, we went for something simpler. We had gone through several costumes that year and nothing was working, so we finally went with a crystal practice piece and it worked really well.

On the morning of competitions, do you do your own make-up and hair?

It's definitely part of my routine; it's almost like meditating. I have to spend a certain amount of time on each thing and it's usually a little longer than usual because I'm nervous. It's an important part of getting into the competitive mindset.

I'll usually start with a nice hot shower, just to get flexible and ready for the day, and before I get all glam and everything, I'll make sure I'm nice and hydrated. Then I'll start with my hair doing the look I need that day, usually a crown braid or a straight ponytail. Then, I'll move on to makeup. I usually keep it pretty simple in the morning and might add to it later as it's quite a long day between the time I wake up and the time I race. I'll just make sure I have a good foundation and maybe my falsies, and then I'll add more of the eyeshadow and eyeliner look. I'll usually have a funny TV show on in the background just to keep me entertained. I know these more recent nationals, I was watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

What are these key makeup items?

I'm a big eyeliner and mascara guy. Since I'm on the ice and everything is white and I'm pretty pale, I want to make sure my eyes pop out. Even though it's cold, I usually sweat, so having a good waterproof eyeliner, mascara and foundation is very important to me. For eyeliner, I use a Maybelline liquid pen and my mascara is L'Oréal Telescopic, waterproof of course because there's a lot of sweat, blood and tears and figure skating involved. Since I have blonde hair, I also have to dye my eyebrows a lot of times because they will be very light and it will look like I only have the outer half of my eyebrows if I don't.

I put AmLactin [Daily Nourish Body Lotion] on my arms and legs so I can feel safe out there and not look dry in that cold atmosphere. You don't want to have any skin flakes or any bumps or anything that could be magnified on national television. And none of us figure skaters can live without our hairspray, it's very necessary. As a child I always use göt2B Glued hairspray; now I use the Keratin Complex hairspray.

We can't really wear gloss, especially if we have our hair in a ponytail or half down, because then the hair will stick to the face, so a lot of times I use matte lipsticks and lip liners.

Before I go out, I usually put on some powder, make sure my highlighter pops, I love the Fenty Beauty Diamond Bomb, and then I'm on the ice.

How do you take care of your skin after a whole day of wearing all that waterproof makeup?

I use Neutrogena makeup wipes and then scrub them in the shower, with micellar water. I absolutely love Dr. Body Wash. Bronner. I've been experimenting with different face washes since I have very sensitive skin, but I've been using the Origins Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief Facial Cleanser and the Soothing Treatment Lotion that comes with it, which is like a toner.

Is there anything else you love in terms of beauty, outside of ice?

I'm a basic girl. I have these competitions where I almost feel like I'm going to prom when I'm getting ready. So when it comes to each day, I keep it pretty simple and pretty consistent.

It really is like going to the dance all the time!

oh sure It's like preparing for it. But also like, I'm going to run a marathon.


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