Former Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger endorses President Biden’s reelection


washington – The former Republican deputy. Adam Kinzinger endorsed President Biden's re-election campaign on Wednesday, saying the presumptive GOP nominee, former President Donald Trump, “poses a direct threat to all core American values.”

“As a proud conservative, I have always put democracy and our Constitution above all else,” Kinzinger said in a video of support posted on social media. “And it is because of my unwavering support for democracy that today, as a proud conservative, I am endorsing Joe Biden for re-election.”

Kinzinger, who was one of only two Republicans to serve in the now defunct House panel that investigated on January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol, has been a vocal critic of the former president, and was among a small group of House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump. He chose not to run for re-election in 2022.

Kinzinger said he “never thought I would endorse a Democrat for president,” noting that while he does not agree with Mr. Biden on everything, he said he knows the president “will always protect that that makes America the best country in the world: our democracy.”

Citing the Attack of January 6 at the CapitolKinzinger called Trump a “threat” to the country, saying the former president has “become even more dangerous” since then, and warned Americans that “now is not the time to see silence as Donald Trump threatens America's future.”

Kinzinger he told CBS In December, he reported that if the presidential race came down to the president and former president, he “wouldn't hesitate” to support Mr. Biden.

The move comes as the Biden campaign has stepped up its efforts to target moderate Republicans and supporters of former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley as the general election nears. The campaign announced Earlier this month, the hiring of Kinzinger's chief of staff, Austin Weatherford, as “national director of Republican engagement” to lead outreach efforts to “independents and moderate Republicans who know what a danger Donald Trump is to the country if he is re-elected for a second term”. ” a campaign official told CBS News.

The Biden campaign touted the endorsement Wednesday, saying in a statement that “Kinzinger's rejection of Donald Trump is reflected in millions of Republicans who voted against Trump because of his MAGA extremism during the Republican primaries.”

In response to the endorsement, Mr Biden wrote in a social media post that “this is what putting your country before your party looks like”.

Aaron Navarro contributed to this report.


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