Francesca Farago Reveals How Snapchat May Have Saved Her Babies’ Lives


Even more so with the idea of ​​little Peaches and Garfinkle, the pet names she and Jesse have adopted for their future offspring, actually carrying the little ones

“When I see them in my hands, I can't believe that we will have a real boy in this onesie in the fall,” said Francesca. “It makes me very happy.”

However, to be clear: Peaches and Garfinkle are no the nicknames she and Jesse, 34, landed on after rejecting Heart, Lovely, Afternoon and Baby. Although he revealed that they “pretty much” locked up their winners, going back to the same election they've been chasing for the past two years, “I'm just afraid to use their first name just now.”

While the duo's still-under-construction home is full of bodysuits, mom's closet is still a work in progress.

“I've been living in the same four outfits,” Francesca admitted, “because either my clothes don't fit or they're so uncomfortable. And I think you're already so uncomfortable, just being alive, that you really need your clothes. to be comfortable So maybe I'll throw in some maternity dresses or sweatpants and stuff like that in the future because I will have more babies.”


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