G7 summit opens with deal to use Russian assets for Ukraine; Coalition to push for social media reform


Deputy Opposition Leader Sussan Ley says if the Coalition forms government, it will force big tech companies to introduce age verification for under-16s.

Speaking at Seven's Dawn, Ley backed Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, who yesterday pledged to introduce age verification within the first 100 days if he forms government.

Sussan Ley, Deputy Leader of the Opposition.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“That was strong and decisive leadership that we saw yesterday from Peter Dutton on an issue that is personal to him, protecting children when he was a policeman, protecting children online and protecting children when he was Home Secretary and passing laws to do so.” she said

“The last thing we want to hear is for the Labor Party to start saying it's too difficult. We need to push this forward.”

Ley said she was proud of Dutton's policy and was confident the opposition could force tech companies to implement the pledge.

“Tech companies, when they're asked to do this, under a legal framework, they're going to find a way … I don't think they're saying they can't do it. I think they're saying they're reluctant to do it. What they're doing is profiting from our children's social media accounts, that's disgusting,” he said.


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