Gainsborough Man Arrested With 50 Weapons


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Gainsborough arrested after 50 guns found at home

A man has been arrested after a large number of weapons were found at his home.

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In Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, police officers made a shocking discovery during a raid on a property. A total of 50 weapons were found in the house, including knives, air guns, a throwing knife and dusters.

Lincolnshire Police arrested a 43-year-old man on suspicion of possessing offensive weapons. The arrest comes after a wider crackdown on gun ownership in the area, with police seizing a total of 450 guns in recent months.

During the raid on Gainsborough's house, the police discovered a large arms cache. Among the confiscated items were knives, which are considered offensive weapons because of their potential for harm.

Air guns, throwing knives and even dusters were also discovered. These weapons pose a serious threat to public safety and are strictly regulated by law.

The arrest is part of a larger effort by Lincolnshire Police to tackle illegal gun possession in the area.

Over the past few months, police have confiscated 450 guns, which shows how serious the problem is.

In October, there was another major seizure when officers found around 300 knives at a house in Gainsborough. The neighbor of that house was arrested on suspicion of manufacturing offensive weapons and possessing them in both public and private places.

As well as confiscating knives, Lincolnshire Police have also targeted illegal online sales of air guns.

Officers recently recovered approximately 100 air guns from a property in Sudbrooke. These weapons had been sold illegally over the Internet.

Police arrested a 45-year-old man in connection with this case. He was suspected of acting as an unlicensed firearms dealer and of trading anti-aircraft weapons outside the scope of face-to-face transactions. The man has been released on police bail pending further inquiries.

Lincolnshire Police stress that changes to the law have made cracking down on gun ownership even more crucial.

From July 2022, it is now a crime to possess certain weapons, even in the privacy of one's own home.

This change in legislation aims to further protect public safety and prevent the potential misuse of dangerous weapons. Anyone found in possession of these prohibited offensive weapons faces up to six months in prison and a fine.


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