Gary Clark Jr On his Stunning New Album, Stevie Wonder And More

Arts & Celebrities

It’s been five years since Austin-based guitar hero Gary Clark Jr. released his last album, This Land. As we all know, these last five years have often times felt like a century between COVID, world upheaval and more.

So, it’s been a minute. But, tomorrow, January 26, Clark returns with four new songs – “Maktub,” “This Is Who We Are,” “Hyperwave” and “JPEG RAW” – off his forthcoming album, JPEG RAW. The album’s title is an acronym for Jealousy, Pride, Envy, Greed…Rules Alter Ego, Worlds. After five years, Clark has a lot to say.

JPEG RAW is a beast of an album in the best way. This is one of those records that can stop you dead in your tracks and make your jaw drop as you go, “What the hell was that?” It’s fitting Stevie Wonder appears on the track, “What About The Children” because if there is a musical ancestor for Clark’s new opus it is Wonder’s classic Seventies era work. The album also features trumpeter extraordinaire Keyon Harrold, the iconic George Clinton, Valerie June and Naala on “Hyperwave.”

Of course the guitars on the new album are ferocious, but there is so much more to the musicality of this incredible collection. In his first interview about the new album, Clark took Sage Bava and I through the making of this record, working with Wonder, his rediscovery of nature and much more.

Steve Baltin: When you take five years between albums, does it feel like almost starting over? Does it make you feel rejuvenated?

Gary Clark: That’s a good question. There’s a lot of stuff going on. January 2020, we had just finished up a run. It was awards season, so we were at the Grammys, did that thing. And it was like, “2020, the world is mine. We’re going to go get it.” And then it was now, “Everybody sit y’all’s asses down. How long? Nobody knows.” So, there was no touring. There was no hanging out with anybody. There was no nothing. I was home with my family, which was the longest I’ve been home with them ever. It’s the most time I’ve really just spent with my wife every day. So we were all learning each other in this weird, funky time, which was beautiful and at some points stressful. But I wasn’t even really thinking about music. I was like, “Well, what the hell are we going to do?” That was that whole thing. I had changed over some members in the band, only to not be able to rehearse. So, March 2020, I made some changes, and then it was like, “Nope, no one’s going anywhere.” So, there was none of that. I was just sitting in the studio by myself, kind of like, “What am I doing?” And, talking about a restart, I went back to when I was a 12-year-old and I had just got my guitar. And I was like, “Instead of going down the blues route, what if I went down the shredder route and paid more attention to Joe Satriani and Jeff Beck and Eric Johnson and started learning more, I guess technically advanced styles of playing?” So I was just shredding. I pulled out the Ibanez with the Floyd Rose and started to just trip it out. So, for me, it was kind a restart in guitar and a direction I wanted to take and just rediscovering those things and spending more time doing that. So, in that sense, yes. Finally, the band got together. I got Elijah Ford, JJ Johnson, Jon Deas, there’s Zapata, my boy I’ve known since I was in school. And we got together in my studio every Thursday and I would smoke a brisket and we would just sit there and eat barbecue, have a few drinks and play music. That ended up being the recording process for all this stuff. And some of these demos just ended up turning into the album. I had never really engineered before. What I thought was, “Man, I’m crushing this. I’m a genius and expert in pro tools and engineering. I’ve got a Neve board and started going crazy.” So, I was engineering these sessions while we were playing as well. I took on that mentality, which was new to me and exciting. So, yes.

Baltin: Billy Corgan did an interview with Zane Lowe. Zane asked Billy a question about what he attributed the Pumpkins’ success to. Billy was like, “The right water, the right chicken piccata.” But I started joking with Billy about how food can fuel an album. And we started joking about what food might have fueled a record by Led Zeppelin or fueled the Velvet Underground. And it’s become this long running joke, but that’s relevant to a lot of artists. So how much do you feel the brisket fueled JPEG RAW?

Clark: It was a big part of it, that was just kind of our thing. I was trying new recipes. I was just barbecuing. I was up all night with the offset smoker just poking the fire and making sure I had the blue smoke and not the white smoke, low and slow. It also gave me time to think about lyrics. It gave me time to think about direction. It gave me time to think about where I wanted to go sonically. Just sitting there, hearing that fire cracking and crickets, your mind starts wandering and I loved it. It was a Zen place for me so I got to give it up to brisket. Fortunately and unfortunately, my wife was like, “Yo, you’re spending too much time out there. You smell like s**t. This is what I’m going to do. I’m going to start cooking and I’m going to cater rehearsals slash sessions.” And my wife is the best cook. So she came and just brought the house down. I could tell that the band was a lot happier when she came through. Like the brisket was cool, but to have these fine, righteous meals, she came through. So I’ve got to give it up to her too.

Baltin: Dave Grohl’s a longtime friend. Would you guys do back-to-back barbecuing or would you have the barbecue off to see who wins? Because he’s famous for that. And I love the idea of you and Foo Fighters doing a show together and then just hanging in the parking lot feeding homeless people, which he does.

Clark: Absolutely. I have to get a bigger smoker. But I’m down for a little friendly competition if we can feed some folks, for sure.

Baltin: If it’s a friendly competition, who do you think would win? He will literally barbecue for 20 hours in a row.

Clark: Yeah, I’m down, too. I’m not scared of that. I love it.

Sage Bava: Was there a song or a memory that you have that you feel was the birthplace of JPEG RAW?

Clark: Yeah, so before I got back to Austin after the Grammys, my wife was pregnant with my third child, my little baby Ella. So, we camped out in L.A. And I was like, “I’ll just take some time off and not really think about music and just kind of be around.” Then I was going crazy. So, I went over to Guitar Center, I gave them all my money and I had made a setup in this little room we weren’t using in the house. And I just started going nuts on an MPC. I was making beats and playing guitar. It’s kind of getting weird in there. The first thing that I made was the foundation for, “This Is Who We Are.” I didn’t think anything of it. I was, “Oh, that’s cool. It’s kind of orchestral and funky and weird. I don’t know what that is, but I like it.” In my mind, I was like, “Yeah, I want to do that.” I have these dreams all the time where I’m this conductor and I’m conducting the symphony and I’ve written all this beautiful music and I wake up and it’s gone. So a little bit seeped over into real life. I woke up and started doing this thing just to capture it. I was like, “I’m not getting any younger. I want to do all the music’s. I love anything that makes noise. I’ve been saying for forever that I don’t want to be put in a box. And I’m going to live this dream one day of being the guy with the thing and doing that. I’m going to do it. Andre 3000 is playing the flute now. I can do whatever the f**k I want.” [Chuckle] I also wasn’t paying as much attention to guitar because I was sculpting the whole thing. So I wanted the bass drum, the kick drum to sound right. I wanted the bass tones to be right. I wanted the cymbals to be crispy, but not harsh. I was going, “This is what I want it to be. I want my drums to sound like Willie Big Eye Smith meets Jay Dilla. I want my bass to be James Jamerson and Mike Dean.” So when the band came in, I already had this thing, “This is going to be some big fat, badass music. And it’s not going to be focused on, “Hi, I’m the dude that plays guitar.” It’s like, “We get that already. That’s cute. What else?” It was special. And we were insulated too. It was still all during COVID. We weren’t going out and seeing anybody, this was our crew. It was the only social interaction we had. It was intense, it was powerful. I’d never felt so connected to a unit of creative people in my life. I’ve always kind of been like in my own head about stuff. So, I felt confident in being vulnerable and everyone trusting each other. And it was just we can’t be stopped. Nobody could come in and check on us and be, “What are y’all doing? Nope, six feet.” It was just free.

Bava: It’s just amazing how the space that you’re in mentally and physically can influence what you give birth to musically. And I love how you talk about nature and I love how you talk about listening to the sky and listening to the birds. As someone who grew up on a farm, nature and music to me are one. And I wonder, I love that you shared that dream about you as a conductor or maestro. I want to hear more about how nature influenced you because I think that’s so special.

Clark: Yeah. I remember being a kid and we used to just get lost. We’d ride our bikes through the neighborhood and end up in this wooded area behind the baseball fields. And there’s the creek back there and we would catch crawfish and make forts and play hide and seek and whatever kids were doing, smoke and build forts. I remember sitting there and sometimes just laying down and just looking up at the sky and feeling the heat from the ground and feeling the grass underneath me and just the warm sun on my skin, closing my eyes and still being able to see that light. And my mind would just go and your imagination, there was nothing to stop you. There was nobody in your ear going, “Don’t think that, you got to do this now.” It was complete freedom. And to see nature and see coyotes run by and see these birds. I’d go to the library and check out books on birds, I was such a weird nerd guy, run through the woods with my binoculars, and I was like a Boy Scout and I’d love to do archery and tie ropes and do all that kind of stuff. Go camping and cook noodles on our little portable pots and pans and stuff, so I really love that. I loved being in that space, in that headspace, everything else kind of felt stressful, going to school and being in order and sitting at a desk. So finally in this pandemic, I got a chance to be home and be out in the space that I’m fortunate enough to have. To be able to take breaks from the studio, go and sit outside and see antelope jumping by in the sunset, it puts your mind in a different spot to see like cotton candy, cloud was purple and pink, blue with these amazing skies. It just puts your heart somewhere else, puts my mind somewhere else. And it’s like this feeling of being free but connected to something deep, instead of going out of the studio and having a smoke and being in a stinky alley. Your mind doesn’t go in the same place. We were fortunate enough to have that, so I think that fueled that consciously and subconsciously. I remember Jacob, we were sitting out having a break, and he was looking out at the sky and he goes, “We need to write a song about that.” That’s where “Hyperwave” came from. It was amazing, it was so inspiring, but also it was COVID, and we didn’t know if we were going to go on tour again, we didn’t know if the music business was over and nobody knew, so we were just making s**t. It didn’t matter. Nobody knew what the end result was going to be.

Baltin: I love your comment on the fact that Stevie changed you. How did it change you working with Stevie? Because it’s funny, when Rick and I did finally come up with words about this album, we both felt like it reminded us of Stevie stuff in the ’70s.

Clark: All right, let me break this down real quick. Stevie reached out to me in a time where there was a lot of death and violence by police and/or angry citizens for whatever reason. So, I made a video where I was just kind of frustrated and like, “What the hell’s going on?” Stevie reached out to me and said, “I saw your video and I heard you.” There was a little bit of pain and frustration there and anger. I always want to be hopeful, but I had enough. There was COVID, I was just sitting there at the house and I was in my phone and letting the feed feed me, So, he called me and said, “I got a song for you. We gotta do a song.” And I said, “Whatever the hell you want to do, man.” So, he sends me this demo, and it’s just audio from his phone, and he’s playing this little harmonium. He goes, “What about the children… ” and he mumbles through most of this thing. He’s like, “What do you think?” And I go, “Well, it’s great.” He goes, “Well, think you could write something? Get some words to it.” I said, “I’ll get right back to you.” He starts calling me and it’s really amazing that, he’s facetiming, and I’m looking at Stevie Wonder on facetime and he’s talking to me about writing a song while he’s flying down the 405. I’m just like, “What the hell is my life right now?” I say to him, I said, “Yeah, I’ll get with the band.” He’s like, “Yeah, I really want you to have a song for your album.” I’m like, “Take me now. I’m good.” So I say, “Yeah, I got you Stevie, we got you. I’ll get the band together. I’ll produce this thing. I’ll send it back to you.” I send him the track. He thinks it’s cool. And we’re starting to go through lyrics. So me and Jacob are trying to figure out what he’s saying in this demo that he sent me, where he’s mumbling. We can hear little things. So we put this thing together based on “What about the children?”’ And a couple of little tag lines that he said and just put the thing together. I said, “Will you sing on it?” And he said, “Yeah.” He said, “Come out to my studio in L.A.” Show up there. Invites us in, talks to us for a while. He’s the sweetest dude ever. And he’s dressed; he’s got some cool hat on, gold sparkles or something, some crazy shoes. Dude’s fly. His whole crew welcomes us in, we talk about the song and he’s like, “What do you want me to do?” It’s like, “Well, what do you want to do?” He’s like, “I don’t know, play the harmonica.” He sits there and sings. He puts this part on it. The guy sings. He works for hours, doing this thing over again trying to get it right on. He plays harmonica on this thing, the coolest bluesy sounding harmonica. To top it all off, I had my three sisters come in and sing backup on this track. We used to dance around in the living room, singing to Stevie Wonder when we were kids. We have this moment where we’re singing with Stevie Wonder and it’s like, my dad’s crying when he hears it. It was amazing. But in the studio, he feeds us. He’s telling us stories. I got to play the piano from Songs in the Key of Life. Oh, it’s the most beautiful tone in the world. His sons are there and they’re so sweet. And the dude drops us off. We get in the car with him. He takes us to a hotel afterwards, gives us a ride home. After giving us two days of the hardest, most dedicated work that I’ve ever seen anybody do in a studio, I was inspired. I was like, there is no stopping this guy. The way that he handled us, the way that he dealt with us, the way that he was open, welcomed us in, and how much he gave to this song. He gave us this song and then gave so much on top of it. It was so inspiring. I will forever cherish this. I got to see him at Clapton’s Crossroads a couple of months ago I’m so grateful that I even get a chance to know him and be able to spend some time transferring this gift to people’s ears. It’s beautiful.


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