Georgia Men Charged with Home Bombing and Python Attack Plot


Report Georgia Men Charged with Home Bombing and Python Attack Plot – In a shocking case that has garnered national attention, two Georgia men, Stephen Glosser, 37, and Caleb Kinsey, 34, were charged with a series of heinous crimes that included bombing a woman’s home and plotting to release a python to attack the victim’s daughter. The incident took place in Richmond Hill, Georgia’s Bryan County, on January 13, 2023, when the woman had just moved into her new home. The explosion, which caused significant damage to the garage area of the home, was reported to the emergency services at 5 a.m. The explosion was described as resembling a tornado, with the Bryan County Sheriff Mark Crowe noting that it could have easily hurt or killed someone, highlighting the severity of the act.

Georgia Men Charged with Home Bombing and Python Attack Plot

The men were under surveillance from December 2022 to January 2023, with the intent to kill, injure, harass, or intimidate the victim. The surveillance included shooting arrows into the victim’s front door, mailing dog feces or dead rats to her home, and even planning to scalp the victim. The most disturbing part of the plot was the plan to release a large python into the victim’s home to eat the victim’s daughter.

Stephen Glosser, who had met the victim through a dating app, located the victim’s residence using internet searches on his cellphone based on an image the victim had previously shared with him. Caleb Kinsey, who lived with Glosser, allegedly built an explosive device using Tannerite, which he purchased online, and used it to blow up the victim’s home.

The arrests of Glosser and Kinsey were announced by the Georgia Office of Commissioner of Insurance and Safety Fire on February 8, 2023. Kinsey had fled the state and was arrested in Louisiana, while Glosser was taken into custody locally. The charges against them include stalking, use of an explosive to commit another felony offense, conspiracy to use an explosive to commit a felony, and possession of an unregistered destructive device. Kinsey was also charged with making a false statement during the purchase of a firearm and possession of firearms by a convicted felon.

The conspiracy charge carries a statutory penalty upon conviction of up to 20 years in prison, and if convicted, Glosser and Kinsey could face an additional 10 years for the charge of using an explosive to commit a felony. Given these are federal charges, the men won’t be eligible for parole.

Georgia Men Plotted to Have 'Large Python' Eat Woman's Daughter ...
Georgia Men Plotted to Have ‘Large Python’ Eat Woman’s Daughter …

The case has been described as “sinister” by Bryan County Sheriff Mark Crowe, who noted the woman and her child were very lucky to have been far away from the blast. The explosion caused significant damage to the home, with the sheriff’s office reporting that it almost looked like a tornado had hit the home.

The investigation into this case is ongoing, with the men currently in custody awaiting further court proceedings. The motive behind the alleged crimes remains unclear, with authorities not offering more details about a possible motive behind the alleged crimes.

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