Hae-Jeong Should Dump Gwan-Hee for Good In ‘Single’s Inferno 3’


The Big Picture

  • Korean dating show Single’s Inferno 3 introduces famous athlete Lee Gwan-hee, who stirs up drama instead of focusing on dating.
  • Gwan-hee treats fellow contestant Ha-jeong poorly, playing games and refusing to listen to her.
  • The women on the show should unite against Gwan-hee and refuse to give him any attention, forcing him to put in effort and be kind.

The Korean dating show, Single’s Inferno 3 has men and women living on a hot island together. Their only chance of escape is winning a challenge or matching up with someone for a date in “paradise,” which is a luxurious hotel. The Netflix show had popular YouTubers in the cast like Song Jia and Kim Jin-young, who is back for season 3 as a commentator. But the reality show has its first famous athlete this season.

Lee Gwan-hee introduced himself in the first episode as someone passionate about work and relationships. Haehae recognized him and said he was quite famous. “I’m confident that I’ll be able to get the girls to make the first move,” Gwan-hee said. “As for my charms, it’s Lee Gwan-hee, Lee Gwan-hee, and Lee Gwan-hee. That about sums it up.” He said he didn’t have any goals besides season 3 being better than the other seasons. So it’s unsurprising that the athlete has been stirring up drama rather than focusing on dating. His behavior has been so bad that it’s time for the women to give up on him for good.

Single’s Inferno

Nine people who co-live on an island and try to find the love of their life.

Release Date
December 18, 2021

Kevin Matsumoto , Jin Kyeong Hong , Lindsey Rodriguez , Kim Jin Young



Lee Gwan-hee Treats Yun Hye-seon Poorly In Paradise In Single’s Inferno 3

A closeup of Yun Ha-jeong smiling on 'Singles Inferno S3'
Image via Netflix

The third season had a twist of splitting the cast into two infernos. Gwan-hee was on one and matched with Choi Hye-seon and went to paradise. Ha-jeong was on the other side of the inferno and matched with Park Min-kyu away from the inferno. They then surprisingly switched partners to leave paradise. Ha-jeong went downstairs and found the basketball player in a car. “Seeing Gwan-hee after spending time with Min-kyu, I realized that he was more my type,” Ha-jeon revealed. She refused to tell him where she lived and said he’d have to go with her to paradise to find out.


Gwan-hee Fell into the ‘Single’s Inferno 3’ Twist Trap

The inferno and keeping a connection only got harder for ‘Single’s Inferno 3’.

She got her wish, and they went to paradise in episode 3. However, they constantly played hard to get. Gwan-hee kept saying he wanted to sleep in bed for once. Their suite had a double bed, but he refused to sleep in the same room as her. He said they should play a game and whoever wins gets to say how they’ll sleep. Ha-jeong lost. As a result, Gwan-hee told her to sleep on the cot at the foot of his bed. Ha-jeong liked him so much that she went along with it. But then he made an excuse to sleep on the couch in the living room. Ha-jeong told him she was comfortable sleeping in the same room, but he kept claiming he wouldn’t make her comfortable. He refused to listen to her. Maybe Gwan-hee was the one uncomfortable sleeping next to a stranger, which is perfectly reasonable. However, he should say that instead of acting as if it were a chivalrous move for Ha-jeong.

Their conversation was also frustrating to watch. Gwan-hee pushed for Ha-jeong to ask him questions, but claimed he had none for her. He purposely guessed the 26-year-old was older to get under her skin. She admitted he hurt her doing that. The 35-year-old athlete’s excuse was she gave older vibes. He rudely talked about the other singles during their time together. He told the office worker that he wanted to spend more time with Hye-seon.

The Single’s Inferno 3 Women Should Ice Out Gwan-hee

Kim Gyu-ri smiles in a pink flower outfit on 'Singles Inferno S3'
Image via Netflix

Gwan-hee managed to anger most of the women at the bonfire. He was asked how many candies he gave, which should reveal who he was interested in, and it was one. But he claimed he was equally interested in three women and gave the candy to the person he wanted to know better: Kim Gyu-ri. The singles pushed him to reveal his three picks, and he pointed at Gyu-ri, Ha-jeong, and Hye-seon while saying “This one.” The women talked about it the next day and figured out he likes leading multiple women on to have a backup plan. He’s playing a game instead of genuinely getting to know the ladies. The women could beat him at his own game and refuse to pick him for paradise. He would be stuck in paradise without any hope of getting out.

Gwan-hee claimed he liked to prank his partners at the beginning of the season. But “pranks” can be mean-spirited, such as the one about Ha-jeong’s age, and a lot of his comments come across that way. He’s also constantly putting pressure on the ladies to compete for him by saying they earn “points” for initiating a conversation. The athlete’s habit of openly talking about his interest in other women can make them feel insecure and in competition. His age also might come into play with this dynamic. The 36-year-old knew how young Ha-jeong was, but wanted to throw her off by guessing she was older. The conversation became more about her age instead of his, who is much older than the rest of the cast. It’s possible that a relationship can form healthy with a certain age difference. But Gwan-hee might be taking advantage of his experience and age to have power in every situation.

Why doesn’t Gwan-hee feel the need to impress women? It might be that he experienced fame before the show as an athlete, and they’re known for not having to work for attention from ladies. This still isn’t an excuse for him to treat the ladies like he’s the prize instead of a potential suitor like the rest of the men on Single’s Inferno. If the women refuse to give him any attention, then he’d finally be forced to put effort into initiating conversations and being kind.

It’s clear from Gwan-hee’s introduction that he cares most about making good television. His method for that is insulting the ladies and pitting them against each other. But the best season 3 scene so far doesn’t even include Gwan-hee. The women comparing notes about his behavior in their room was riveting. What would be even better is if they all united against him and sent him home with a hurt ego.

New episodes of Single’s Inferno are released every Tuesday on Netflix.

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