Handmade, Heritage-Inspired Jewelry With A Story

Arts & Celebrities

Hailing from a family of rich, layered heritage and a childhood spent extensively traveling, jewelry designer, Nora Amaylia couldn’t see herself working in an office environment throughout her life. She was an artist at heart and the act of creating, particularly, jewelry-making, was something she loved dearly.

Based in Bournemouth, England, the 35-year-old designer runs her homegrown jewelry studio – which she launched in 2019 – titled after her own name, Amaylia.

Using silver and semi-precious stones, Amaylia crafts exquisite handmade jewelry which draw inspiration from ancient folklore (such as mermaids), Eastern mysticism, animals (what they symbolically represent), zodiac signs, Greek mythology and more.

Earthy and free-spirited, Amaylia’s work focuses on mindful, slow fashion jewelry with a story. In conversation with Forbes Life, the designer speaks about the inspiration behind her work, the challenges of being a one-woman show and more…

SR: Can you tell me about your cultural background and how it has influenced your jewelry design aesthetic?

NA: My upbringing has had a large influence on my work. I was born in Skopje, in a country that is now called North Macedonia. I’m from a mixed background; my father is from North Macedonia and my mother is from Iran. My mother is also mixed, my grandmother was Armenian, and my grandfather (Ali Salimi, who was a prominent composer and Tar player), was an Iranian born in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Throughout my childhood I used to travel a lot and spend my time between Skopje, Istanbul and Tabriz (where my grandparents used to live) and this is where I fell in love with ancient crafts. Tabriz was located on the famous Silk Road trading route, where merchants would trade carpets, jewels, spices, ideas, precious metal and other goods – and this is what inspires and influences me!

SR: What inspired you to start making jewelry, and how did you decide to learn from Armenian jewelers in Istanbul?

NA: I’ve always loved handmade jewelry, I was very intrigued and amazed by how something so beautiful can be made by hand. And whilst watching the artisans in Istanbul and Tabriz hammering away and creating magic with their hands, I thought this is something I would love to do myself. But I didn’t start making jewelry until I was in my late twenties where I already had a career in an office that was extremely unfulfilling for me.

It took a lot of my energy and I felt deeply unhappy and after some time, I decided to make a change and start pursuing something that I have always loved. I asked myself; ‘Nora, what is it that makes you happy?’ and the answer was Istanbul and jewelry. So I booked my flight and went to Istanbul and stumbled across a jewelry-making workshop where the teachers were Armenians, which was a plus for me – as I speak the language – so I could absorb more of their knowledge.

SR: Can you share a specific experience from your travels that had a significant impact on your designs?

NA: There was this tiny shop in Skopje’s Old Bazaar, that I would walk past everyday and each time I would stop by to observe and enjoy the handcrafted jewels. There was this one piece of jewelry in particular, a ring, in the shape of a tea pot. It was adorned with the most beautiful gemstones…the feeling I got was like walking into Aladdin’s Cave! Holding the ring was like holding a piece of magic. That feeling stayed with me forever.

SR: Your jewelry is inspired by your mixed heritage. How do you incorporate those elements into Amaylia’s pieces?

NA: I look at the history, mythology, symbolism and folklore of that part of the world and I try to create a piece of jewelry that is not only visually pleasing but also tells a story. The countries from my background have such a beautiful and rich history that sometimes it is forgotten in the West, so I try my best to revive and re-tell those stories through the pieces I make.

SR: What role does your collaboration with the artisan from Afghanistan play in your jewelry-making process? How has it enriched your work?

NA: Without Kurban, there would be no Amaylia. He is an incredibly talented artisan and has been making jewelry since he was young, so his experience and skills are immeasurable. He has not only been helping me with the making of the pieces but I have also learned so much from his knowledge and artistry.

SR: Could you share a particular piece of jewelry that has a special significance to you?

NA: Ah this is a hard one, as I have quite a few pieces of special significance to me, but at this point in time, I’m obsessed with the Melusine ring with emeralds, which I currently wear all the time.

‘Melusine’ is a creature similar to a mermaid or siren, but depicted as living in fresh water. It is often shown as twin-tailed. In alchemy, the Melusine represents enlightenment. The two tails of the siren represent symbolic dualities like water and earth, or body and soul.

SR: Nora, what challenges have you faced in scaling up your jewelry business?

NA: Since all the pieces are handmade to order, it is challeging to keep up with demand, timelines and at the same time, keep up with a work-life balance. I’m currently in the process of creating inventory and have pieces ready-to-ship, which is a very exciting milestone for Amaylia. For me, Amaylia is my life journey through which I express my creativity and my emotions. It is very important for Amaylia to retain its authenticity and not grow into a business that is only for profit-making.

SR: Can you walk me through your creative process, from the initial idea to the final piece?

NA: It starts with inspiration, whether it’s some pattern I have seen on a carpet, or a line I read in a book, or an ancient jewelry piece I have seen in a museum. I do a quick sketch on a little notepad that I always carry with me. Then, when I have time, whether it’s in-between making orders, or in the evenings when I try to unwind, I’ll start making the piece. Some are made from silver scraps, others I carve onto wax, which I then send to Istanbul for the wax mould to be turned into silver. After it’s turned to silver, I spearhead the final stages which involve stone-setting, sanding and polishing to get to the final product.

SR: Are there any upcoming projects or collections that you’re excited about, or perhaps new techniques that you’re exploring in your work?

NA: I have recently started incorporating enamelling into my jewelry. Enamelling is a highly skilled technique in which colored glass is fused to a metal base to create colored metal objects. While the design is made by myself, the final product incorporates the skills of a few artisans. Another technique that I’d love to start exploring is filigree. It is an ancient metalwork technique – archaeological finds in Mesopotamia indicate that filigree has been used in jewelry since 3000 BC!

SR: How do you see the future of Amaylia evolving over the next few years?

NA: I envision Amaylia growing into a family of various different artisans with different skill-sets. I would love to work with people from different parts of the world who bring different skills and cultural experiences that would contribute and expand the storytelling aspect of Amaylia. I envision my role would evolve into focusing more on the designing stage and overseeing the processes, but also learning new skills from the craftspeople I work with.


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