How INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE Dealt With Claudia’s Final Fate


fans of by Anne Rice Interview with the vampire, whether it was the novel or the movie, I knew AMC's current version was headed for a horrible event ever since the show started. This is the death of the little vampire Claudia (Delainey Hayles) and her new vampire companion Madeleine (Roxane Duran), at the hands of the vengeful Paris coven that runs the Théâtre des Vampires. It's a heartbreaking moment in the novel, and the series did it justice, tweaking a few details. Here's every medium that handled Claudia's execution in the novels, the movie, and finally in the season two episode “I Could Not Prevent It.”

Claudia (Delainey Hayles), Louis (Jacob Anderson) and Madeleine (Roxane Duran) suffer in their trial on Interview with the Vampire on AMC.
AMC networks

Claudia's death in Anne Rice's novel, Interview with the vampire

In Rice's 1976 novel, when the coven of Paris discovers that Louis and Claudia broke the Great Vampire Laws by attempting to assassinate their creator, the Vampire Lestat, they are captured and held in a kind of trial for their crimes Its star witness is Lestat, who survived his assassination attempt in New Orleans years earlier. Lestat eventually discovers that his offspring fled to Paris and follows them there. Once the coven discovers that Louis and Claudia broke their laws, they are captured and put on trial. Of course, it is a trial with a predetermined verdict.

Original 1976 Interview with the Vampire paperback cover.
Ballantine Books

When the gang finds them guilty, they execute Claudia, the chief architect of the crime, and her new partner Madeleine, for murder in broad daylight. They leave them alone in a well, until the sun comes up and burns them both to ashes. The sun rises, and all that remains of Clàudia it is a tattered yellow dress, covered in ash. The coven gives Louis a different punishment as they bury him alive inside the theater in a locked coffin, intending to slowly drive him insane and eventually starve him to death. In the book, all these events take place at the end of the 19th century.

Like the 1994 movie version Interview with the vampire He has dealt with Claudia's death

The death of vampires Claudia and Madeleine by sunlight in the 1994 film Interview with the Vampire.
Warner Bros.

In the film version, the trial is non-existent, and the one in Paris only goes to the verdict of guilt. The gang leaves Claudia (Kirsten Dunst) and Madeleine (Domiziana Giordano) alone in the well, with the rising sun turning them to ash. Despite this, in the film version, both Clàudia and Madeleine burn together and their bodies form a sculpture of ashes. A sculpture that crumbles into dust with the slightest touch. It's a visually striking effect, but made just for the movie. Claudia's dress doesn't survive the sun any more than Claudia in director Neil Jordan's big screen iteration.

The death of Claudia and Madeleine Interview with the vampire at AMC

Claudia (Delainey Hayles) and Madeleine (Roxane Duran) suffer in their trial on Interview with the Vampire on AMC.
AMC networks

In the series, Louis, Claudia and Madeleine are captured by the Paris Coven. His kangaroo trial is actually a matinee performance at the Théâtre des Vampires. The human crowd watches the spectacle of suffering as the court finds each vampire guilty of attempting to murder Lestat. The coven only gives Madeleine a special dispensation, as Louis did to her after the murders. However, he decides to die with Clàudia. Louis is buried within the walls of the theater's catacombs. This is after the “jury”, aka the crowd of mortals in the theater, is telepathically manipulated into giving Louis a sentence other than death: exile. he did it the vampire Armand (Assad Zaman) save Louis' life? Did he plant the sentence of exile in their heads? That's the assumption, since that's what happens in the book and the movie. But perhaps the series will follow a different path.

Instead of being executed in a pit, Claudia and Madeleine are killed on stage, in front of horrified spectators. She threatens to return from the afterlife and murder each and every person in the audience. Then the vampire Santiago (Ben Daniels) opens a skylight that only hits the two vampires on stage with rays of sunlight, as they writhe in agony and turn to ash. Lestat (Sam Reid) watches, with tears in his eyes as the vampire child he created, and then sentenced to death, is exhausted into nothingness. As in the novel, Clàudia only has her yellow dress left.

Claudia's original destiny

Delainey Hayles as Claudia in Interview with the Vampire Season 2

The original ending from Rice's novel he had Claudia alive, finding happiness with a group of vampire children like her. But Anne Rice's publisher believed the novel called for a tragic ending. And she was right. So Rice rewrote the entire second half of the book, with Claudia's death as the novel's emotional climax. It's easily the moment Louis' tragic tale hinges on. Clàudia never comes back to life in later novels. However, he remains a haunting presence in the minds and hearts of Louis and Lestat for eternity. We imagine that a Interview with the vampire series, this will continue to be the case.


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