How Much Will Be Benefits Go Up By

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How DWP and HMRC benefit payments will increase in 2024

Benefit payments to rise in 2024. Here's a list of DWP pay rises for this year

In 2024, people in Lincolnshire who claim benefits, payments and pensions from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and HMRC (HMRC) can expect an increase in the amounts they receive.

This is great news for people in Lincolnshire, including Scunthorpe, Grimsby, Skegness, Lincoln and Boston, who have been struggling with the cost of living.

These pay increases, which take effect from April, are aimed at easing financial burdens and providing much-needed support to claimants.

While some benefits are adjusted based on inflation rates, others are subject to the government's discretion.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the upcoming changes to benefit payments for 2024 and provide an overview of the new rates for various benefits.

Understand profit increases

Benefit increases are essential to ensure that claimants can meet their daily expenses and maintain a decent standard of living.

Some benefits, such as Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Disability Living Allowance (DLA), Attendance Allowance, Carer's Allowance and more, must be increased by at least of inflation

The government determines the increase in pension amounts each year using the “triple lock” mechanism, which takes into account factors such as inflation and average wages. On the other hand, benefits such as Universal Credit are subject to government discretion when it comes to adjustments.

Increase in pensions 2024-2025

Pensioners will receive the most significant boosts in the payment of benefits this year. These are the new pension payment rates in 2024-2025:

DWP benefit increase for 2024-2025

Beyond pension increases, several other benefits administered by the DWP will also see adjustments in 2024. Here are the new rates for selected benefits:

Attendance bonus

The provision of the assistance allowance, designed to help people with care needs, will have the following rate changes:

  • Highest rate: £108.55 (previously £101.75)
  • Lowest rate: £72.65 (was £68.10)

Help for carer

Carer's Allowance, which is given to people caring for someone with substantial care needs, will be adjusted as follows:

  • April 2024 rate: £81.90 (was £76.75)
  • Earnings Threshold: £151.00 (previously £139.00)

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) / Scottish Child Disability Payment

DLA, which supports people with disabilities and long-term health conditions, will see changes to its care and mobility components:

  • Higher care component fee: £108.55 (previously £101.75)
  • Average care component fee: £72.65 (previously £68.10)
  • Lowest fee for care component: £28.70 (previously £26.90)
  • Higher fee for mobility component: £75.75 (previously £71.00)
  • Lowest fare for mobility component: £28.70 (previously £26.90)

Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

ESA, a benefit for people who cannot work due to illness or disability, will be subject to adjustments due to different circumstances:

Sole Plaintiffs:

  • Under 25s: £71.70 (was £67.20)
  • 25+: £90.50 (was £84.80)

Single parent claimants:

  • Under 18s: £71.70 (was £67.20)
  • Over 18s: £90.50 (was £80.50)

Claiming couple:

  • Both under 18s: £71.70 (was £67.20)
  • Both under 18 with one child: £108.30 (was £101.50)
  • Both under 18s (main stage): £90.50 (previously £84.80)
  • Both under 18s with one child (main phase): £142.30 (previously £133.30)
  • Both over 18: £142.25 (was £133.30)

Disability benefit

The disability benefit, granted to people who cannot work due to a long-term illness or disability, will undergo the following adjustments:

  • Long-term disability benefit: £138.90 (previously £130.20)
  • Short-term Incapacity Benefit (below State Pension age) lower rate: £104.85 (previously £98.25)
  • Short-term disability benefit (below state pension age) higher rate: £124 (previously £116.20)
  • Short-Term Incapacity Benefit (over State Pension age) lower rate: £133.25 (previously £124.90)
  • Short-term Incapacity Benefit (over State Pension age) higher rate: £138.90 (previously £130.20)

Income support

Income support, a means-tested benefit for people with low incomes, will have the following adjustments:

Sole Plaintiffs:

  • Under 25s: £71.70 (was £67.20)
  • 25+: £90.50 (was £84.80)

Single parent claimants:

  • Under 18s: £71.70 (was £67.20)
  • 18+: £90.50 (was £84.80)

Claiming couple:

  • Both under 18s: £71.70 (was £67.20)
  • Both under 18s (higher rate): £108.30 (previously £101.50)
  • Under 18, under 25: £71.70 (was £67.20)
  • One under 18, one 25 or over: £90.50 (previously £84.80)
  • Both 18 and over: £142.25 (was £133.30)

Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA)

JSA, which is offered to people who are actively looking for work, will experience adjustments based on contribution and income-based criteria:

Contribution-based JSA:

  • Under 25s: £71.70 (was £67.20)
  • 25+: £90.50 (was £84.80)

Income-based JSA:

  • Under 25s: £71.70 (was £67.20)
  • 25+: £90.50 (was £84.80)

Maternity benefit

Maternity Allowance, a benefit for pregnant women and new mothers, will see its standard rate adjusted:

  • Standard rate: £184.03 (previously £172.48)

Legal adoption pay / Maternity pay / Paternity pay / Bereavement pay

Various statutory payments provided to individuals in relation to adoption, maternity, paternity and parental bereavement will not see changes to their earnings thresholds or standard rates.

Pay for statutory illness

Statutory sick pay, a benefit for people unable to work due to illness or injury, will not see any change to its earnings threshold. However, the standard rate will be adjusted as follows:

  • Standard rate: £116.75 (previously £109.40)

Universal Credit

The Universal Credit, a comprehensive benefit that replaces several previous ones, will see adjustments in its monthly rates:

Sole Plaintiffs:

  • Under 25s: £311.68 (was £292.11)
  • 25+: £393.45 (previously £368.74)

Claiming couple:

  • Joint claimants both under 25: £489.23 (previously £458.51)
  • Joint claimants, one or both aged 25 or over: £617.60 (previously £578.82)

Benefit for children

Child benefit, a benefit offered to families with children, will be adjusted according to the number of children:

  • Grand or only child: £25.60 (previously £24)
  • Additional children: £16.95 (previously £15.90)

Compensation of the tutor

Guardians' benefit, a benefit for people who care for a child whose parents have died, will experience the following adjustment:

  • Weekly rate: £21.75 (was £20.40)

Work tax credit

Working tax credit, a benefit for people in working households on low incomes, will see its maximum annual rates adjusted:

  • Basic: £2,435 (was £2,280)
  • Partner and lone parent element: £2,500 (previously £2,340)
  • Disabled worker element: £3,935 (previously £3,685)
  • Severe disability element: £1,705 (previously £1,595)


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