How Netflix’s ‘Baby Reindeer’ Took On A Life Of Its Own

Arts & Celebrities

The hit Netflix hit series Baby Reindeer it has unleashed a series of unintended consequences, sparking debates about the exploitation and limits of real-life inspiration.

Using details from the story as clues, Internet sleuths tried to track down the real people who inspired the characters, while the show's themes sparked conversations about sexual abuse and the lingering effects of trauma.

Is Netflix's 'Baby Reindeer' Really Based on a True Story?

Baby Reindeer is based on the experiences of creator Richard Gadd, who turned his terrifying ordeal with a stalker into a cultural phenomenon. The Netflix series opens with a title card framing the drama as a “true story,” but Gadd later explained that his intent was to capture the “emotional truth” of his experience, not a “profile of done”.

In the show, Gadd plays himself as a character named Donny Dunn who forms an unlikely kinship with an older woman, named “Martha,” played by Jessica Gunning. Martha is depicted as obsessive and bewildered, sending Donny over 41,000 emails and over 350 hours of voicemails; the series concludes with his arrest, after threats of violence.

Baby Reindeer sees Donny struggle to free himself from Martha's obsession while struggling with his own trauma, caused by repeated sexual abuse at the hands of an older mentor.

The show has been praised for exploring the nuances of the situation, as Martha isn't portrayed as an outright villain, but rather a misguided and sympathetic figure who is somewhat similar to Donny.

“Bullying and bullying is a form of mental illness,” Gadd said in a 2019 interview with The Independent. “It would have been wrong to paint her as a monster, because she is not well and the system has failed her.”

At the time, Gadd was telling his story on stage, as a one-man act at the Edinburgh Festival before being picked up by Netflix.

While few could have predicted that the Netflix series would be so successful, critics have argued that efforts to protect the identity of the “real Martha” were insufficient.

'Baby Reindeer' Fans Quickly Track Down The 'Real Martha'

Netflix said they took “every precaution” to protect Martha's true identity, and Gadd claims she “has gone to great lengths to disguise.” [Martha] that I doubt she'll recognize herself on the show,” but internet sleuths found that the catchphrase from Martha's social media posts Baby Reindeer matches that of Fiona Harvey, a 58-year-old woman from Aberdeenshire.

Neither Netflix nor Richard Gadd have confirmed that Harvey is the “real Martha,” but Harvey came forward to identify herself after being doxxed, appearing in Piers Morgan uncensored tell your side of the story; viewers noted her striking resemblance to Martha and marveled at the accuracy of Gunning's performance.

Twitter𝔸𝕃𝕆 B on Twitter: “The one thing that's clear from Fiona Harvey's interview is that Jessica Gunning did an excellent job portraying her. Just…wow. #BabyReindeer #PiersMorgan /RVfWsBY3EO / Twitter”

Harvey described Morgan's questioning as “really quick to try to screw me over,” admitted to feeling “a little bit used,” and threatened to take legal action against Netflix.

Internet sleuths didn't just target Harvey — several men have been accused of being the “real Darrian” of Baby Reindeerwhich Gadd portrays as a major figure in the entertainment industry who groomed and raped him.

Posting to an Instagram story, Gadd asked fans to stop investigating, writing: “People I love, have worked with and admire (including Sean Foley) are being unfairly caught up in speculation. Please , don't speculate with who Real-life people aren't the focus of our show.”

In today's iteration of the Internet, viral accounts of true stories inevitably lead to doxxing and obsessive speculation, a la TikTok. Who TF did I marry? the AI-generated Willy Wonka saga and fiasco.

While the raw, unflinching honesty of Gadd's writing is the secret to the series' success, many were uncomfortable with the ease and speed with which Internet sleuths tracked down Harvey.

What happened to the “Real Martha?”

Piers Morgan's interview with Fiona Harvey has been viewed over 12 million times on YouTube and is an uncomfortable watch. Harvey was clearly ill-prepared, lacked media training and gave contradictory answers to Morgan's questions.

At one point, Harvey brags about his “photographic memory,” but claims he is unable to remember the grades he got for his law degree or the exact number of emails he sent to Gadd.

He claimed to have met Gadd “two or three times” but strongly denied ever pursuing or sentencing him to prison. She described Gadd as “psychotic”, “homosexual” and “obsessed” with her; some of his quotes have become TikTok memes.

Many critics and social media commentators expressed concern that Harvey was being exploited.

Twitterlucy on Twitter: “Fiona Harvey's fixed beliefs and delusions are clear signs of serious mental health issues for anyone working in this field. Although I understand why Piers Morgan wanted her on his show for opinions /coverage is clearly being exploited for financial gain / Twitter”
TwitterGer Leggett on Twitter: “Ugh. I feel bad for Fiona Harvey. This is not a mentally well person so trying to catch her with lies on TV is awkward. #Uncensored / Twitter”

Harvey said he was only paid £250 for the interview and is now seeking £1m from Morgan's team.

Morgan has since told the BBC that “she's not going to take a million pounds from me” and argued that she treated Harvey “extremely reasonably and fairly”, adding that her show had paid for Harvey “had a very nice expensive haircut” and “A very nice car to take her home and back.”

Morgan has confirmed that he is seeking an interview with Richard Gadd. However, it seems unlikely that Gadd will accept the invitation, telling The Hollywood Reporter, “I don't think I'll ever discuss it again.”

Harvey has now been accused of sending Sir Keir Starmer, leader of Britain's Labor party, nearly 300 abusive emails while living in his constituency.

'Baby Reindeer' inspired serious conversation

The fall of Baby Reindeer It hasn't been all bad: the show has also sparked serious and thoughtful discussions about the lingering effects of trauma, bullying and sexual abuse.

The number of victims helped by the National Bullying Helpline has reportedly soared since the program's launch, and the helpline's policy officer, Tallulah Belassie-Page, has attributed the program to awareness.

“Show how Baby Reindeer do great work to raise awareness of the crime of stalking, particularly for male victims who may not have felt empowered to seek support,” she told The Mirror.

Male sexual assault charity We Are Survivors has also seen an increase in referrals, with an 80% increase in 'first calls'. The charity posted a screenshot Baby Reindeer on Instagram and revealed that many callers referenced the show as part of their decision to seek help.

What is Richard Gadd working on next?

Richard Gadd seems ready to move on Baby Reindeertelling THR of his ambitions to direct a film after finishing his new BBC drama series, lionswhich follows the lives of two dysfunctional brothers.

This time, Gadd aims to stay out of the spotlight.

“I want lions to exist as a piece of art, as a play without my sudden recognition getting in the way, and that's why we're going to put people who aren't me in the lead roles,” Gadd said.

“Everything I've done has an emotional truth to it, but it's not based on my life.”


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