Inside Downing Street’s Covid WhatsApps: Dominic Cummings’ foul-mouthed rants about ‘f***pig’ ministers and Boris Johnson’s lockdown angst laid bare in extraordinary trove of messages shown to inquiry


Dominic Cummings has given extraordinary evidence to the Covid inquiry in which the ex-No10 aide’s foul-mouthed rants about ministers and officials were laid bare.

His evidence session to the inquiry revealed a trove of WhatsApp messages between top Downing Street staff as they battled with the pandemic.

The messages show how Mr Cummings referred to Cabinet ministers as ‘f***pigs’ and ‘morons’, and branded senior civil servants as ‘c***s’.

They shone a light on how then prime minister Boris Johnson attempted to deal with No10 infighting and leaks from senior members of his Government.

And they also revealed the ex-premier’s angst at having to impose more lockdown measures on the British public.

Here are the messages shown to the inquiry in full:

March 2020 – No10 staff accuse Boris Johnson of ‘melting down’

On 19 March 2020, Mr Cummings and Lee Cain, who was No10’s director of communications, complained about the PM’s behaviour in WhatsApp messages.

‘Get in here he’s melting down,’ Mr Cummings wrote in the days before the first lockdown, adding that Mr Johnson was ‘back to Jaws mode w***’.

‘I’ve literally said same thing ten f****** times and he still won’t absorb it,’ he added.

Explaining the Jaws reference, Mr Cain told the inquiry that Mr Johnson would refer to the mayor from the Jaws film ‘who wanted to keep the beaches open’.

August 2020 – Dominic Cummings brands Cabinet ministers ‘useless f***pigs’

In exchanges shared between Mr Johnson, Mr Cummings and Mr Cain – from a WhatsApp group titled ‘Fight Back’ – Mr Cummings was disparaging about Cabinet ministers.

He warned the PM that ‘the bubble’ thought Mr Johnson had ‘taken your eye off ball, you’re happy to have useless f***pigs in charge’.

Mr Cummings also branded the Cabinet ‘ferral [sic]’ and labelled Matt Hancock, the then health secretary, as a ‘c***’ and a ‘proven liar who nobody believes or shd believe on anything’.

August 2020 – Dominic Cummings says he wants to ‘personally handcuff’ a female official

In the same WhatsApp group, Mr Cummings also referred to Helen MacNamara, who served as deputy cabinet secretary during the pandemic, as a c***’.

He wrote: ‘ I will personally handcuff her and escort her from the building. I don’t care how it is done but that woman must be out of our hair – we cannot keep dealing with this horrific meltdown of the british state while dodging stilettos from that c***.’

When he was challenged about the nature of his messages, Mr Cummings told the Covid inquiry he is ‘certainly not’ a misogynist.

He said: ‘I was not misogynistic. I was much ruder about men than I was about Helen.

‘I agree that my language is deplorable, but as you can see for yourself I deployed the same or worse language (for) the prime minister, secretary of state or other people.’

August 2020 – Matt Hancock, Grant Shapps, Ben Wallace and Liz Truss are labelled ‘problem leakers’

The same exchanges saw Mr Johnson, Mr Cummings and Mr Cain complain about leaks from top ministers as they discussed the possibility of a Cabinet reshuffle.

Mr Johnson noted in one message how, if he wanted to sack leakers, he would ‘have to sack both Grant [Shapps] and Brandon [Lewis] first because I am afraid they are the two worst’.

‘Then [Michael] Gove’, he added.

Mr Cain replied: ‘Problem leakers – Hancock, Grant, [Ben] Wallace, [Liz] Truss. There are other second order ones but these four have cause real problems this year.’

October 2020 – Boris Johnson tells No10 aides: ‘I no longer buy all this NHS overwhelmed stuff’

In messages in the ‘Fight Back’ group in October 2020, Mr Johnson stressed the need to ‘recalibrate’ away from a nationwide lockdown because it was mainly elderly people dying from Covid.

‘I must say I have been slightly rocked by some of the data on Covid fatalities’, he wrote.

‘The median age is 82 – 81 for men 85 for women. That is above life expectancy.

‘So get Covid and live longer.’

The then PM added: ‘I no longer buy all this NHS overwhelmed stuff’ and there were ‘max 3m (three million) in this country aged over 80’.

Mr Cain asked Mr Johnson ‘how does this change the policy?’, to which the then PM replied: ‘It shows we don’t go for nationwide lockdown.’ 

October 2020 –  Dominic Cummings expresses worry about ‘ever more Potemkin laws that aren’t obeyed’

Mr Cummings posted on the No10 WhatsApp group to say an ‘enforcement dashboard’ should be introduced, adding: ‘At what point do people reasonable say f*** this, I’m the idiot for taking the rules seriously?’

In the message dated October 15, 2020, Mr Cummings said: ‘We should start an enforcement dashboard as part of Covid reporting.

‘I’ve harped on but it’s killing us. How do you justify ever more Potemkin laws that aren’t obeyed?

‘At what point do people reasonable say f*** this, I’m the idiot for taking the rules seriously? Like with surveillance and data, the truth is we’ve ducked out of facing these questions at a political level. We shouldn’t.

‘We should look at enforcement metrics like hospital metrics. And change the laws on policing.

‘Or else admit to ourselves that we aren’t genuinely serious!’

November 2020 – Boris Johnson hits out at a ‘disgusting orgy of narcissism’ within his government

In messages between Mr Johnson and Mr Cummings in November 2020, as their relationship deteriorated, the then PM despaired at a ‘disgusting orgy of narcissism’ in his Government.

He wrote to Mr Cummings about allegations of briefings from allies of his then fiancee Carrie Symonds, amid warring between rival factions in No10.

‘You speak of briefings from Team Carrie. She hasn’t briefed anyone and my instructions to all were to shut the f*** up,’ the then PM wrote.

‘This is a totally disgusting orgy of narcissism by a government that should be solving a national crisis. We must end this.’

Mr Cummings, who left Downing Street in November 2020, was revealed to have later blocked Mr Johnson on WhatsApp in March 2021.

July 2021 – Boris Johnson brands Dominic Cummings a ‘total and utter liar’ over Barnard Castle trip

The inquiry was shown messages between Mr Johnson and Jack Doyle, who replaced Mr Cain as No10’s director of communications in April 2021.

In exchanges from July 2021, Mr Johnson branded Mr Cummings a ‘total and utter liar’.

‘He never told me he had gone to Durham during lockdown,’ the then PM fumed.

‘I only discovered when the stories started to come out about Barnard Castle etc.

Mr Johnson added: ‘He later claimed that he had told me but that my brain was so fogged by COVID that I didn’t register.

‘It’s not true. I would have noted it.’

Mr Johnson’s ire seems to have been raised by an interview Mr Cummings gave to BBC journalist Laura Kuenssberg.


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