Julia Fox “Down the Drain” Video Release Party Photos


Julia Fox has been an actress, model, dominatrix, muse, singer, author and director of short films; since May 9, he is also a music video star. After releasing her single “Down the Drain” earlier this month, Fox threw a party to celebrate the accompanying visuals at the Weylin, a huge, gilded former bank on Broadway in Williamsburg. Things…got weird.

The night of trivia was to begin at 9 p.m. with the debut of the music video. When I arrive there is a countdown clock that puts the video release at 11pm. Looking around the room, those on the list are a lot huge Fox fan base. Piercings and tattoos are the norm, as are leather ensembles with G-strings on top. Only 40% of the people in the room have both eyebrows, and the other 60% wear sunglasses inside. House music plays to the beat as people mingle. Ironically, weaving between guests wearing velcro underwear and gimp suits is a team of plainly dressed staff passing out canapés and fancy desserts like puff pastry and small pieces of caramel.

Mark, a photographer better known as the Cobrasnake, sees me across the main hall and says hi; We just worked together on a story covering the Met Gala after-parties, and that's a big change. While taking pictures of someone in a Catwoman costume, I notice a chained installation of two mannequins dressed in dominatrixes. One has a harvest in his hand, the other is on all fours in a pile of garbage. Both wear blonde wigs. The only thing that breaks my focus in the piece is a man who walks in wearing sunglasses and a plastic Brooks Brothers tote bag.

For a moment, I consider it may be a fever dream, but Mark comes over again to introduce me to Bloody Clip, a music artist eager to support Fox, whom she calls “the queen of aesthetics “. “I love how he brought it all together here,” she says. “I'm excited to see how it plays out in music and video.” Similarly, a man dressed as if from the matrix tells me he can't wait to see what “crazy thing” Fox comes up with. “She's the queen of New York,” the man says as he sips white wine. “She slays, she's great.” His companion, a woman in underwear, nods.

As the countdown clock begins to tick down, the house music fades out and everyone moves to the big screen. The lights dim and an announcer comes out to introduce the video, which begins with Fox taking her son to school, before being called into action to take down a criminal enterprise in an abandoned warehouse with her team of Julia Fox clones. There's Professor Fox, Boxer Fox, Doctor Fox, and then Fox Prime, in a yellow rubber suit that's a cross between Kill Bill i watchmen. Together, they rescue their friend who is being held hostage in the warehouse and bring her back to life with a magic ring, all in time to pick up Fox's daughter from school.

After the video, Fox makes his grand entrance. She cuts through the crowd in a silver leather bikini bottom and matching coat with what appears to be a tinfoil sword across her chest. (I later learned that the look is part of her collaboration with Anchor, a new highly curated social shopping platform.) Every time the chorus, “I'm an ab*tch, I'm a girl, I'm a mom , I'm a wh*re” — is repeated, met with cheers from the crowd.

If none of this really makes sense, I think that was the point.


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