Julianne Hough’s Stunning Oscars 2024 Look Includes Surprise Pants


“This is the age of energetic health,” she explained, “because if you can change your energy, then you can change your mindset, and then you can change your physicality. We’ve been going about it the other way, which is: If I’m physical, then my body is going to look good. But if you focus more on your energy, then you get fitness as a plus.”

But that’s not the only plus, as Julianne makes sure she also refreshes her style.

“I’ve had every hair color, cut, style that you can imagine,” she noted. “Whenever I change my hair, you know I’m going through something transformative. Because it’s my outward expression of whatever is going on internally. I cut off all the years or the months of old energy, and start anew.”


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