Kickstarter Adds Option for Late Pledges


We've all felt that terrible feeling. We see a cool creation on social media, take a closer look and unfortunately the item in question belongs to an already funded Kickstarter. If we're lucky, the Kickstarter creator will sell more of our wish later on. But very well maybe not. And will we even remember how we wanted it at the time? But Kickstarter is now rolling out a useful new feature that many have been asking for for some time: the option for late pledges. Our wallets may not be cheering for the prospect of pledging late to a Kickstarter, but our hearts are certainly with this latest pledging option. Here's what Kickstarter has to share about this new feature.


A release shares more information about the new late Kickstarter pledges, and the feature is basically what it says on the label. Kickstarter notes, “Late Pledges allow creators to continue collecting pledges after their campaign officially ends, giving them the opportunity to attract more backers, garner more support, and make their projects even more successful… Creators they can continue to offer rewards, collect pledges, effortlessly engage with their community and attract new backers, while backers have another chance to support projects they believe in.”

While third-party tools have allowed creators to continue collecting pledges after the funding period, everything can now happen through the Kickstarter interface. This should reduce headaches for creators and allow backers to stay engaged more easily through a platform they're already on. Kickstarter notes that late pledges should help backers who discover a project after its funding period closes and creators who get a boost in interest after their campaign. This sounds like a great plan to us. You can check out a Kickstarter example of “late pledge” mode. here.

Image from Kickstarter Late Pledges

Late pledges are currently only available to a small group of Kickstarter creators. However, Kickstarter plans to roll out the new feature to all creators in the coming months. And now, you never have to miss a nail pin, fantastic board game, fun art collectionor a clean bag ever again.


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