Kim Kardashian’s Office Has 3-D Model of Her Brain, More Wild Features


It turns out, we’re not keeping up with Kim Kardashian.

Because after she shared a behind-the-scenes look at her office, it’s clear The Kardashians star is living in an alternate universe.

Kim recently tapped into TikTok’s viral “of course” trend by displaying her wildly bizarre office, which features everything from a 3-D model of her brain to a red light therapy bed.

“I’m Kim Kardashian, of course I have all my magazine covers covering my walls,” she began her Jan. 17 video. “I’m Kim Kardashian, of course I have my mannequin with my custom body measurements in my glam room.”

The camera then zoomed in on the curves and derrière of life-size figurine, before showcasing the SKIMS founder’s TV wall that plays her beauty campaigns on loop.

“I’m Kim Kardashian, of course I have 3-D models of my brain and my plane in my office,” she noted, sitting on top of her desk with a silver-coated mold of her noggin placed in front. “I’m Kim Kardashian, of course I have a tanning bed and a red light bed.”


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