Letterboxd Now Includes Movie Showtimes


The Big Picture

  • Letterboxd is adding showtimes to its platform, allowing users to easily find movie showtimes at theaters in the US, UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.
  • Showtimes feature is being added to make it easier for users to see their most anticipated films at a theater, as many paid users of Letterboxd are frequent moviegoers.
  • Users can sign up for free or for the paid Patreon tier on Letterboxd’s website, with the showtime feature becoming available to all users on Sunday, December 24.

If you’re a cinephile, then you probably have a Letterboxd account. The film-centric social media platform has become increasingly popular over the years. Whether you use it for free or pay for the extra stats, it has been a great way to track and review the movies you watch. One of the few things you couldn’t do on it was look up theater times. However, that’s about to change as Letterboxd is adding showtimes for members in the US, UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Letterboxd co-founder Matthew Buchanan broke down the exciting news saying, “Showtimes have long been on our radar as something we’d like to offer to our members—another way of making Letterboxd the one place they come when selecting what to watch next. We de-prioritized the feature somewhat over Covid, as seeing films in theaters was not top of mind!” He would continue, “Now that audiences are returning to cinemas, it felt like the right time to add this capability.” The platform is working with the aggregator Assemble on the new addition including 9000 screens with major chains like Regal and Cinemark in on the fun. However, theaters not included with Assemble will be able to submit their own showtimes to the aggregator.

Letterboxd Has Become a Cultural Phenomenon

Since its creation in 2011, Letterboxd has been one of the most convenient places to connect with other avid cinephiles and write about our favorite movies. However, it’s only been in the last couple of years that the platform has hit the mainstream thanks to a strong social media presence. Particularly, their “Four Favorites” series, where they ask celebrities and everyday users the impossible task of naming their four favorite films, has become a fan-favorite in the community. Choosing your four favorite films is the equivalent to showing your followers and other Letterboxd users who you are as a film lover. What you most identify with in this creatively diverse art form. Whether you want to make lists, review films, or just log all the films you watched, there’s something for everyone on the platform to enjoy.

Although you can’t buy tickets from the platform directly, seeing movie showtimes at your local theaters is only going to add to the fun usefulness of the app. Buchanan even said that 87% of their paid users go to the movies at least once a month while 39% of the same group go three or more times a month. This new feature is all in the name of making it easier for Letterboxd users to see their most anticipated films at a theater. Because, without theaters, the platform wouldn’t exist.

How Can I Sign Up For Letterboxd?

You can sign up for free or for the paid Patreon tier on Letterboxd’s website. While Patreon users have exclusive access to the showtime beta right now, the feature will become available for all users on Sunday, December 24 (Christmas Eve). You can also learn more about the feature by reading the full THR article.


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