Marky Mark and the Phillip Street specialists


Eoin Johnston of Alstonville “was surprised last week to see Mark Wahlberg leaving a New Jersey nightclub just off Wentworth Selborne Chambers on Phillip Street. There must have been close to 100 workers, many vehicles with steering wheel on the left and 'snow' in the gutters. Something you don't see on my way. The street was chaotic until well past midnight, but to the film's director's credit, it was spotless the next morning.” Grandma hears that Marky is doing some filming on the northern beaches. Maybe I could go to Manly and visit their 'elevated burger joint'.

This is a stretch: “It's only May, but has anyone who follows all the codes of football noticed how often a player injures their hamstrings?” asks Robyn Lewis from Raglan. “I now nominate 'Hamstring' for 2024 Word of the Year.”

The future is from Cherrybrook's Allan Gibson: “I paid for a GP appointment with Apple Pay on my iPhone on Thursday and the lovely lady on reception who could have been young enough to be my grandson was obviously impressed with my adoption of technology, commenting that I was like a teenager!”

Sometimes, the opposite applies. “Recently, when I was in a hurry to post a birthday card, I asked my young colleague in his early 20s to put the stamp on the envelope,” writes Jean West of Bomaderry. “She hesitated, looked puzzled and had to be shown where to put the seal.”

“I suggest it to anyone who is worried about their contributions being taken Herald should do like me and use George Manojlovic as a pseudonym,” offers Mangerton's Stewart Martin. “That way they publish you and George takes care of the whole crisis.”

“I thought I should go for a morning walk while the weather was clear,” says Mark Southcott from Thirroul. “No rain for hours. I'm 30 minutes from my house, sick of the radio, so I put Creedence Clearwater Revival 'best of' on my rig (some of you can guess where this is going). First : Have you ever seen the rain? (Um, yes), then Bad Moon Rising (“Looks like we're in for some bad weather”), then Who will stop the rain? Naturally, it started raining 30 seconds later and now I'm home and soaked. But dancing.” Next time Mark, maybe you should take a shortcut and Run through the jungle.

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