Marvel Studios to Return to San Diego Comic-Con’s Hall H This Year


There's one phrase that will make any superhero movie fan's soul glow like an infinity stone: “Marvel Studios, San Diego Comic-Con, Hall H.” Every time Marvel heads to the hallowed hall of pop culture's biggest event it means fireworks. And those fireworks will be back this year. Limit date reports Marvel Studios will return to Hall H next month.

Marvel Studios

The same weekend Deadpool and Wolverine is coming to theaters, Marvel Studios is coming to San Diego Comic-Con. The main industry meeting will take place July 25-28. Now we know the MCU will be there (probably Saturday night) with their own panel.

What news will Marvel announce? Which stars will attend? And how will this Marvel Hall H showing change our expectations for the future of the franchise? We'll have to wait to find out. For now, our superhero-loving hearts can only revel in the possibilities.


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