Maryland hate crime task force member Zainab Chaudry is slammed after claiming that babies brutally murdered in Hamas terrorist attacks that killed 1,200 Israelis were ‘fake’


A member of a Maryland hate crimes task force shared social media posts claiming the babies murdered in the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel were ‘fake’ and compared Israel to Nazi Germany.

Zainab Chaudry, Maryland Director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, made several Facebook posts following the Hamas attack that killed 1,200 Israelis and seized about 240 hostages in the worst attack in the country’s history.

On October 26 she said, ‘I will never be able to understand how the world summoned up rage for 40 fake Israeli babies while completely turning a blind eye to 3,000 real Palestinian babies.’

Israel has released images of tiny babies who were murdered and burned by Hamas terrorists during the attack.

One appalling image shows the small body of a baby lying on a bloodied white body bag that is too large for it. Other photographs show the blackened and charred bodies of two babies which are so disfigured it’s impossible to make out where their arms and legs would have been.

Zainab Chaudry, Maryland Director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, made several Facebook posts following the Hamas attack

‘If your heart is moved for the loss of Israeli babies but no Palestinian babies, it’s because you’ve been conditioned to dehumanize Palestinian lives,’ Chaudry said on October 11.

Authorities in Gaza have raised their death toll to 12,300, including 5,000 children, this weekend following further Israeli attacks.

On November 11 she said, ‘At this point, only fools and genocide apologist actually believe what the colonizers are claiming.’

In an October 17 post she compared Israel to Nazi Germany and shared photos of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin lit up with the Israeli flag after the Hamas attack and a photo from 1936 when it was decorated with the Nazi flag.

‘That moment when you become what you hated most,’ she said. 

Chaudry told Fox News Digital that the ‘Nazi post’ was originally shared by a Jewish friend. 

‘I strongly and unapologetically condemn Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right, racist government for repeatedly making such genocidal threats towards the Palestinian people and killing over 13,000 Palestinians in Gaza, most of them women and children murdered in their homes,’ she said.

‘Unlike many of the Israeli government’s most extreme supporters, I recognize that killing any civilians is wrong, which is why my office has repeatedly condemned the killing of both Israeli and Palestinian civilians.’

Now social media users are slamming Chaudry for her comments and questioning her credibility.

‘Zainab Chaudry, is an anti-Israel activist. Of course she would say it’s fake,’ said Twitter user Leo.

User Vic Rioli said, ‘Sorry, Zainab there were far too many witnesses, videos, & pictures. Your credibility is in the toilet.’

Another user tweeted about her posts to Maryland Governor Wes Moore and said ‘this is an embarrassment to Maryland!’

In August, Chaudry was appointed by Maryland Attorney General Anthony Brown to serve on the Maryland Commission on Hate Crime Response and Prevention.

A spokesperson for Brown told Fox News Digital that ‘the views and opinions of any individual Commission member do not reflect those of either the or the Attorney General’. 

‘We understand that there are many viewpoints regarding current events in the Middle East. 

‘The Commission will do its best to explore the impact of those events on our community, and to determine how best to address escalations in hate and bias incidents across the state.’ 


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