Matt Smith & Stanley Tucci Make This Zombie Thriller Worth the Watch


The big picture

  • Patient Zero
    offers a unique take on zombie movies, focusing on communication and humanity in a post-apocalyptic world.
  • The film uses its unconventional creature design to create a chilling and tense atmosphere, led by a masterful performance by Stanley Tucci.
  • The highlight of the film is a dramatic and stimulating conversation between Matt Smith and Stanley Tucci, which explores the flaws of humanity.

Despite some of the criticism about the lack of depth, zombie movies have proven to be one of the most diverse genres of entertainment. Always present in different media, zombies have taken root in pop culture. From classic horror zombie flicks to more light-hearted children's movies, to zombie retellings of fan-favorite franchises, audiences can't seem to get enough of the undead. However, the genre's wide range has also inevitably led to division in terms of opinion, as audiences debate which zombie films are the best and which fall short. With, shall we say, an unfavorable critical and commercial reception in 2018 Patient Zero it initially seems to fall into the latter category of zombie movies.

Ultimately, the ratings do not reflect the quality of the image in its entirety, as Patient Zero ultimately it does everything a zombie movie is supposed to do. It has terrifying terror and horror, reflects the best and worst of humanity and dares to do something new. Starring the always charismatic Matt Smith i Stanley Tucci, Patient Zero stands apart from the swarm of other zombie films because its best, most tense scene isn't an over-the-top action sequence, but a deeply compelling and dynamic conversation between two characters so tense, superbly acted and thematically significant that remains the highlight of the entire film.

Patient Zero

In the wake of a global pandemic turning humans into violent creatures, a survivor with a unique ability to communicate with the infected leads a team to find a cure. As they navigate a dangerous landscape, their quest brings them face to face with the very essence of what it means to be human.

Publication date
September 14, 2018

Execution time
93 minutes

Main genre

Mike Le


“Patient Zero” offers a new take on zombie movies

Patient Zero is set in a world where a mutated form of rabies has infected billions of humans, either killing them or turning them into inhuman mutants driven by bloodlust and rage. The film follows a group of CDC scientists led by Dr. Gina Rose (Natalie Dormer), who works closely with Morgan (Matt Smith), a sole survivor of an infected attack who retained his humanity, never transforming into a bloodthirsty mutant. Locked in an underground base under military protection, the scientists use Morgan's amazing ability to communicate with the infected in order to investigate ways to end the disease by finding the “patient zero” of the outbreak.

While many other zombie films focus on the search for a cure, the claustrophobic atmosphere and actions of the infected in Patient Zero give it a different feel. Although the infected are mad and rabid, Morgan's ability to speak to them brings them a strange sense of humanity. In one scene, Morgan interrogates an infected and learns about his life before the outbreak, adding even more sadness to the already bleak situation. Patient Zero it also takes pains to depict the pitfalls of human anger and division, illustrated not only through the infected, but through the film's contentious relationship with the military. Despite technically being on the same side, Colonel Knox (Clive Standen) exemplifies how senseless rage can also manifest itself in people, sowing seeds of division that are just as deadly as those infected outside.

Stanley Tucci is an unconventional, but terrifying zombie villain

One of the unique, but divisive aspects Patient Zero it is in its creature design. Instead of going for a traditional zombie look, the infected in the film look fundamentally human, except for their striking yellow eyes and tattered clothing. However, while zombie purists may not appreciate this visual choice, it is nonetheless a bold decision that sets the stage for the most captivating character and confrontation in the entire film. After infiltrating the underground base, an intelligent infected known as “The Professor” (Stanley Tucci) makes his presence known and, as expected, Tucci puts on an acting masterclass.


You have Matt Smith to thank for the best scenes in 'Dragon House'

Without his performance, Daemon Targaryen would not be the same.

Strangely composed, the professor offers the mysterious valley of the infected with an additional level. Unaffected by the factors that drove others to insatiable fury, Instead, the professor speaks with the cadence and demeanor of an academic, albeit brutal. When he talks about how he first became infected, the professor recalls how his mind was overcome by an insatiable hunger, anger and a desire to return to his family. The flashback sequence is completely creepywhich depicts the teacher before he became infected and shows the dire consequences of his return home after being bitten.

The confrontation between Smith and Tucci is the climax of the film

With tension building to the claustrophobic base, built from the split between the staff and the arrival of The Professor, Patient Zero it creates an atmosphere more like a drama than a zombie movie. Morgan begins to question the professor about his past, hoping to gain information about the origin of the infection. The environment is tense – The professor's calm demeanor not only puts the characters on edge, but also instills uneasiness in the audience. The teacher literally smokes a cigarette, acting from a position of power, despite being chained to a chair. After seeing Morgan speak softly to the angry infected earlier in the film, showing that he is able to temper his emotions to do his job, this shift in power positions is disorienting and unsettling.

However, there is an added layer to the confrontation that makes the interaction even more compelling. TThe conversation between Morgan and The Professor is not just an interrogation for information, but a debate about the hope and perseverance of humanity. After Morgan questions him about the source of the infection, the professor states that humanity was the source of all this rage. Citing humanity's inability to find peace and cooperation, the professor points to people's injustices and actions as the infection's reason for existence, believing it was this unquenchable rage that created the infected. While there is a lot of action that precedes and follows this showdown, including a final showdown between Morgan and The Professor, this scene stands out as the highlight of the film. Not only does it exemplify the general atmosphere of tension and mistrust, but it also forces the characters to confront the very basis of their belief in humanity.

Patient Zero is available to rent or buy on Prime Video in the US



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