Max Chandler-Mather and Andrew Bragg to square up against Labor


“You don't really see us anywhere on housing,” said one Labor MP, who, like others, did not want to be named so they could speak frankly.

Another questioned whether Housing Minister Julie Collins should be moved to a different portfolio if Albanese reshuffles his ministry. There has been speculation about a scenario in which Agriculture Minister Murray Watt takes home affairs from Clare O'Neil, who would take housing from Collins, leaving Collins with agriculture.

A senior Labor figure said the cost of living, the climate and housing would be the three biggest election issues. It made sense, they argued, to have a housing minister with seniority and public speaking skills comparable to Treasurer Jim Chalmers, Finance Minister Katy Gallagher and Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen.

Collins' website shows he has given eight media interviews this year, a little more than one a month. He has participated in many more press conferences, although his reach is harder to measure. In his three speeches so far in 2024, only one mentioned home ownership, specifically a scheme enacted by the Morrison government. Colleagues say the Tasmanian MP, who is also minister for small business, is diligent and personable but not one of the most prominent members of government.

In the past six weeks, Bragg has done 11 interviews, many with larger audiences than Collins. And while pundits have dismissed some of Chandler-Mather's claims about rent caps and supply, her following on social media is huge.


Labor supports its policies over what it says are the flawed ideas of its opponents. He has invested billions in housing and won praise from housing groups. States are being incentivized to build, Australia's Housing Futures Fund is about to kick off.

But your program has no political value if it is not regularly communicated and clearly or well understood by voters.

The influential Labor for Housing advocacy group wants Labor to go further and take the politically risky step of scrapping investor concessions such as negative gearing and the capital gains tax rebate. To talk to aspiring Australians, the group wants Labor to set a target of around 70% home ownership.

Owning a property “is the only path to economic security”, Labor for Housing leader Julijana Todorovic said as she backed the government's build-to-rent and share-equity reforms.

Resolve Political Monitor polls conducted exclusively for this headline repeatedly show that housing is the issue most voters say is their top priority after the cost of living.

Labor had a 12-point lead over the Coalition this time last year when people were asked who they trusted to manage the housing and rental market. The Coalition now leads by 4 points.

“Those with mortgages are often struggling, those who are renting can't afford to buy and those living with family can't find a place to rent. Even the elderly who have paid their way feel for their children and grandchildren. Housing is one of those issues that affects everyone,” said Resolve pollster Jim Reed.

Even in wealthier constituencies, the housing market is causing anxiety. Internal Liberal Party polling seen by this column shows affordability is now the fourth biggest concern for voters in the Melbourne seat of Kooyong.


The opposition has hinted at major changes to make it easier to secure a mortgage. Housing spokesman Michael Sukkar, who leads Coalition policy with Bragg's help, has proposed punishments and rewards to get states and councils to build more.

But the Coalition, and Bragg in particular, will have to show that their ideas go beyond letting people use their superannuation to buy a house. Otherwise, they risk looking like a one-trick pony with a vendetta against labor-linked super funds.

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