Miley Cyrus’ Brother Trace Cyrus Makes Rare Comments About His Family


“After having such public relationships in the past, I’ve decided any of my current or future relationships will be much more private,” he explained. “So even if I did have a girlfriend I wouldn’t tell you guys. Sorry.”

But wanting to be more careful about speaking about his private life doesn’t mean Trace is going to shy away from sharing his love for his family members. 

After all, just last week he posted a sweet tribute to mom Tish after she married Prison Break actor Dominic Purcell in a poolside ceremony in Malibu, Calif., Aug. 20.

“I feel extremely blessed to be part of such an amazing family,” he wrote on Instagram. “Congrats to my mom on a beautiful wedding. Life is unpredictable & always full of changes. I think the most important thing to do is cherish the past, look forward to the future, & always be happy in the present moment because that’s really all we have. Yesterday is gone & tomorrow is never promised. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen my mom so happy & that makes me genuinely happy. I love you.”


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