Miss Japan Winner Karolina Shiino Renounces Title After Alleged Affair


Karolina Shiino is giving back her crown.

The Miss Japan winner renounced her title after a local magazine reported she had an affair with a married man. 

“I’m very sorry for causing the tremendous trouble,” she wrote on Instagram Feb. 5, according to the Associated Press’ translation, “and for acting as if betraying everyone who has supported me.”

The 26-year-old initially said she did not know the man in question—doctor and influencer Takuma Maeda—was married but has since backtracked, per the AP.

Maeda also issued an apology on social media following the scandal—noting he was sorry he “caused trouble” for Shiino and others involved. Meanwhile, the pageant organization said in a statement obtained by the AP that it “takes seriously our responsibility for causing the ruckus.”

As for who will take over for Shiino as Miss Japan, Kaoru Wada, chair of the Miss Nippon Association, told CNN the position will remain “vacant.”


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