Miss Teen USA 2023 Runner-Up Declines Title After Winner Steps Down


Miss Teen USA 2023 UmaSofia Srivastava resigns days after Miss USA relinquished title

Stephanie Skinner is to choose a different path.

After the winner of Miss Teen USA 2023 UmaSofia Srivastava announced that she was relinquishing her title, the pageant runner-up chose not to take the crown instead.

“I worked so hard and sacrificed so much for this goal of becoming Miss Teen USA,” said Stephanie, 19. people in an interview published on May 13, “and while this title was a dream of mine, I think one thing I will never give up is my character.”

And while Miss New York Teen USA admitted it was an “extremely difficult” choice to make, she also said she was confident it was “the right decision.”

Stephanie's rejection of the title comes less than a week after 17-year-old UmaSofia announced she was leaving her role as Miss Teen USA behind as the winner of Miss USA 2023. Noelia Voigtthe resignation

“After careful consideration,” UmaSofia wrote in a May 8 Instagram post, “I have decided to resign because I feel that my personal values ​​no longer fully align with the direction of the organization.”


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