Netflix’s ‘One Piece’ Main Characters, Ranked by Likability


Netflix’s long-awaited live-action adaptation of One Piece is finally here. Based on the iconic anime and manga by Eiichiro Oda, One Piece stars Iñaki Godoy as Monkey D. Luffy, an enthusiastic would-be pirate who dreams of recovering the legendary One Piece and becoming the King of the Pirates.

One Piece condenses roughly a hundred of the anime’s chapters into eight short episodes. However, it does so valiantly, maintaining the original’s essence and most of its most famous characters. Luffy might be the show’s star, but One Piece introduces many other great characters, some of which rank among the most likable in this exciting maritime story.

10 Helmeppo

Episode 1 of One Piece introduces Helmeppo (Aidan Scott), the son of the corrupt Captain Morgan, who exploits his father’s fame and fearsome reputation. Although he comes from a powerful family, Helmeppo is quite ineffective, and his uselessness becomes apparent once he enlists as a cadet in the Marines.

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Although he starts the show as an unlikable jerk, Helmeppo changes throughout the season’s eight episodes, thanks to his cadet training and his friendship with Koby. Helmeppo remains vain and somewhat brutish, but he stands up to Vice Admiral Garp to prevent him from arresting the Straw Hats and accepts Koby as a friend by the final episode. Now, that’s character development.

9 Garp

Vincent Regan as Vice Admiral Garp in One Piece
Image via Netflix

British actor Vincent Regan plays Vice-Admiral Garp in One Piece. The season’s primary antagonist, Garp is a resourceful and obstinate man obsessed with capturing Luffy, later revealed to be his grandson. Garp is responsible for Gol D. Roger’s capture, and his motivations to capture Luffy are mostly powered by his fear that his grandson will grow up to become another Roger.

Garp’s actions are antagonistic, but he never comes across as an actual villain. Stubborn, yes, but not criminal or cruel. Ultimately, Garp accepts that Luffy must follow his destiny as a pirate, even if the path sets them in opposite directions. Regan brings great nuance to Garp, making his actions seem understandable, if not necessarily excusable.

8 Buggy the Clown

Jeff-Ward as Buggy the Clown in One-Piece
Image via Netflix

Fans of the One Piece anime and manga were surely thrilled to see Buggy the Clown in the Netflix adaptation. The deranged pirate is a recurring character in Season 1, acting as the main antagonist in Episode 2 and making several future appearances as a foe and reluctant ally of Luffy and his crew.

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Played by Jeff Ward, Buggy is a surprisingly pleasant presence in One Piece. He is evil but not fearsome or loathsome; there is a morbidly entertaining quality to Buggy, thanks to Ward’s larger-than-life performance and the character’s innate showmanship. Buggy will surely return in a potential Season 2, bringing more of his deluded sense of entertainment with him.

7 Usopp

Jacob Romero Gibson as Usopp in One Piece
Image via Netflix

Jacob Romero Gibson plays Usopp in the One Piece live-action adaptation. Usopp is a well-meaning but somewhat ineffective and cowardly young man who dreams of becoming a fearsome warrior of the sea to earn the respect and acknowledgment of his absent father.

Usopp is among the best side characters in anime and an equally entertaining live-action figure. His boisterous personality can be somewhat frustrating, especially after a while. However, once he joins Luffy’s crew, Usopp becomes far more likable, supporting his friends and wowing them with his incredible and convenient inventions.

6 Chef Zeff

Craig-Fairbass as Chef Zeff in One-Piece
Image via Netflix

Chef Zeff is among the best characters in the One Piece live-action series. Played by Craig Fairbrass, Zeff is a former pirate who went by the name “Red Leg;” now retired, he owns the Baratie, a luxurious floating restaurant where the Straw Hats first meet Sanji.

Zeff is a father figure to Sanji, and the two share a loving, if confrontational, relationship. However, Zeff is a man of honor and courage; his backstory with Sanji is arguably the show’s most memorable and emotional storyline. Zeff’s intervention is too short, but he will surely return should the show get renewed for a second season, and One Piece will be all the better for it.

5 Zoro

Mackenyu as Roronoa Zoro in One Piece.
Image via Netflix

Japanese superstar Mackenyu, the son of the late martial arts icon Sonny Chiba, stars as Roronoa Zoro in Netflix’s One Piece. Known as the “Pirate Hunter,” Zoro is infamous across the four seas as a known killer of pirates. Zoro aims to become the world’s greatest swordsman and excels in the “Three Swords Style.”

Although quiet and stoic, Zoro is loyal, brave, and somewhat hot-headed. His dream to become the greatest swordsman sometimes makes him act before thinking, but he has the crew’s best interest at heart. Zoro has all the makings of a great television fantasy hero, and Mackenyu’s committed, purposeful performance fits the character to a tee.

4 Nami

Emily Rudd as Nami in One Piece.
Image via Netflix

Nami is One Piece‘s only major female character so far. A skilled thief with a tortuous past and a handful of secrets, she crosses paths with Luffy as they attempt to steal the Grand Line map. Nami reluctantly joins Luffy’s crew, although it’s always clear she’s hiding something from the others.

Played by Emily Rudd, Nami is a wonderfully layered character. Secretive and cynical, Nami lowers her guard with the Straw Hats, becoming a more caring and trustful person and developing genuine feelings for her new friends. Nami already ranks among the most badass women in fantasy TV, and the character will only keep growing. She is crucial to the show’s success, bringing some much-needed realism into the otherwise carefree crew, and Rudd is outstanding in the role.

3 Koby

Morgan Davies as Koby in Netflix's One Piece
Image via Netflix

Australian actor Morgan Davies plays Koby in One Piece. He is the first friend Luffy makes in his adventure, a cabin boy imprisoned by the pirate Alvida. After Luffy releases him, Koby enlists with the Marines, forming a close bond with Vice Admiral Garp, who senses a kinship with him.

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Koby is the closest thing One Piece has to an audience surrogate. Like the viewers at home, he is as confused and marveled at the dazzling swashbuckling world around him. Although his commitment to the Marines remains steadfast, Koby grows in courage to the point where he openly defies Warp to stand up for Luffy. Koby is a sweet but brave young man, and Luffy is lucky to have him as a friend.

2 Sanji

Taz Skylar as Sanji in One Piece
Image via Netflix

The gifted cook Sanji debuts in Episode 5 of One Piece and quickly becomes one of the show’s best characters. Charming and shamelessly flirtatious yet daring and somewhat cocky, Sanji is an instantly likable character with a unique fighting style and a killer fashion sense.

Taz Skylar is the perfect choice to play the devilishly winning Sanji, and the show receives a considerable boost once he joins the Straw Hats. His constant flirting with Nami and playful banter with Zoro are great, as is his constant encouragement of Luffy and Usopp. Sanji would be the most likable character in the show if it weren’t for the straw hat-wearing captain of the Going Merry.

1 Luffy

Iñaki Godoy as Monkey D. Luffy in One Piece.
Image via Netflix

Iñaki Godoy is a perfect Luffy for the live-action adaptation of One Piece. The young Mexican actor is a revelation as the willful and happy-go-lucky pirate-in-the-making who dreams of assembling a crew and finding the One Piece to become King of the Pirates.

Charming, funny, sweet, and relatable, Luffy is everything a great protagonist should be. Godoy does a stellar job handling Luffy’s colorful personality, showcasing his overwhelmingly positive outlook while preventing him from becoming obnoxious. Godoy also embodies Luffy’s physicality to a tee, especially during the many fighting scenes, which do a wonderful job translating the anime’s visual language into live action. Godoy is on his to becoming one of Netflix’s many breakout stars, and his take on Luffy will surely become a modern icon of the revered streamer.

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