Nicole Brown Simpson’s Family Breaks Silence on O.J. Simpson’s Death


OJ Simpson known Nicole Brown in 1977 and divorced his first wife, Marguerite, in 1979. He married Nicole on February 2, 1985; her daughter Sydney was born eight months later, and son justin was born in 1988.

“You guys never do anything,” Nicole told police when they arrived at the Simpsons' home at 360 N. Rockingham Ave. in LA's posh Brentwood neighborhood, responding to a domestic abuse call in the early morning hours of January 1, 1989. according to reports about that night. “You never do anything. You go out. You've been here eight times. And you never do anything with him.”

Simpson insisted he didn't beat Nicole, he just pushed her off the bed. Then, when told to go with the officers to the police station, he left. A few days later, Nicole went to the station and said she really didn't want a prosecution, but agreed to out-of-court mediation.

On May 24, 1989, Simpson was sentenced to 24 months probation, ordered to perform 120 hours of community service and pay fines totaling $470, and was told to attend counseling two times a week (he was allowed to do this by phone) after begging. no contest to misdemeanor domestic violence.

Nicole eventually moved in with Justin and Sydney and filed for divorce in February 1992. They settled that October, with OJ agreeing to pay her a lump sum of $433,750, plus $10,000 a month in child support, and she retained title to a rental property. . He eventually purchased an apartment at 875 S. Bundy Drive in Brentwood and moved into it in January 1994.

All the while, Simpson was alternately threatening her and trying to get them back together. According to prosecutors and witnesses, OJ had stayed outside and looked out her window on several occasions, including once when she was having sex with a boyfriend. For Jeffrey Toobin1996 book The race of his lifein a June 3, 1994, journal entry, Nicole detailed a recent threat from Simpson: “'You hang me last night, you're gonna pay for that bitch… You think you can do any shit you want, you got it point [sic]…” etc.

She called a battered women's shelter in Santa Monica on June 7, 1994, to complain that her ex was stalking her. Five days later she was dead.


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