NSW Coalition split avoided after peace deal brokered by Dominic Perrottet


A senior Liberal said the meeting also looked at recent poll results, which show the Coalition would be in a strong position to claim government if an election were held now.

The latest Resolve Political Monitor results for the Herald showed the Coalition ahead of Labor in the primaries (35% to the ALP's 32%).

“We need to stick together to be within striking distance of a 2027 victory,” said the MP, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of party rules.

The division over Fang's attack on Speakman had threatened to split the coalition after 97 years when Saunders rejected the opposition leader's authority to sack the MP.


The eleventh-hour deal was brokered on Tuesday night when Saunders agreed that Fang's shadow ministry assistant posts had been rescinded, following a flurry of calls between senior MPs from both parties .

Senior Liberal MPs had called for calm on Monday, warning that a split would only serve Minns' Labor government.

A senior source said the prospect of a coalition split had been “very serious” and a “genuine consideration” for Liberal MPs as the impasse dragged on without resolution.

“I think the coalition should stay together. Everything should be seen from the prism of 'how does this help us win the next election', and that [splitting] it wouldn't help us win,” said another deputy on Monday.

Fang will continue in his Nationals-appointed position as Deputy Legislative Council Whip.

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