Producer-Songwriter Freddy Wexler On His Role In Billy Joel’s New Single: ‘He Set The Bar’

Arts & Celebrities

Billy Joel’s long-running Madison Square Garden residency continued last week with his 99th show at the famed New York City arena. That concert was particularly special because it marked the Piano Man’s debut performance of “Turn the Lights Back On,” his first new original song in almost 20 years, on his tour (Joel had earlier played the song at the recent Grammy Awards). Among the sold-out Garden crowd who witnessed the performance of “Turn the Lights Back On” was music industry veteran Freddy Wexler, who co-wrote the song with Joel and produced it.

“It was unbelievable and sort of the final moment of validation that I wanted to see for the song,” Wexler remembers about the show. “You can’t fake you know over a minute of straight applause. It’s really something to see the reaction of the crowd. And even Billy’s longtime lighting tech and creative director — to see his face while the applause was going on, how sort of transported back to the last time Billy played a new song that was received that way, it was very special to see.

Upon its official unveiling on streaming platforms Feb. 4, the reflective “Turn the Lights Back On,” whose sound hearkens back to Joel’s classic work, marked a welcome return from the music icon. After 2001’s Fantasies and Delusions, a classical album, it seemed unlikely that Joel would ever release new original material again. That was until Wexler — whose credits include collaborations with such stars as Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Jonas Brothers and Blackpink – entered Joel’s orbit.

“I just wanted the world to get another Billy Joel song,” says Wexler, who grew up as a Joel fan. “My mission was to try to make that happen. The fact that I ended up being involved in the song as one of the only co-writes Billy’s ever done is something I’m still processing.”

“I became a songwriter because of Billy Joel,” he later adds. “He set the bar for the lyricist I wanted to be, for the songwriter I wanted to be.”

Wexler first met Joel through the efforts of Wexler’s wife who, for her husband’s 35th birthday, found a previous family physician of Joel’s. “Billy agreed to take this meeting at the request of that guy,” Wexler recalls. “Billy clearly had no expectations for this meeting. He was doing somebody a favor. He ordered his lunch to go when I met him. But we found these very unique points of commonality in the first 15 minutes of sitting together.”

That commonality, according to Wexler, included the process of songwriting, and the two ended up talking for two hours during that meeting. The conversation then turned to Joel’s long hiatus from writing and releasing new rock/pop material. “Instead of asking Billy why he stopped writing songs, I simply said, ‘I don’t believe you’re done writing songs,’” says Wexler. “He said something along the lines of, ‘Well, you can believe whatever you want to believe.’ And I said eagerly in a way that was filled with passion and respect, ‘Well, isn’t there anything that you never finished from back in the day? Any ideas?’ And he said, ‘Sure. Of course, there are.’ And I said, ‘Well, why don’t you let me finish them?’”

Wexler later found himself at Joel’s house and played him his material in the hopes that Joel would share some of his unfinished works. “He really liked what I played him,” Wexler recalls. “And he sent me a CD of his unfinished material. So we spent a year and a half working on that, unbeknownst to anybody. At a certain point, I said, ‘I know we’ve been working on finishing your songs. I have an idea that I wanted to share with you that I started with a couple of friends.’ And I played it with him, and it really resonated. And he said he would help me finish it. That became “Turn the Lights Back On.” That was about two years after the first lunch when he finally recorded that song.”

The lyrics to “Turn the Lights Back On,” with its lines ‘I’m late, but I’m here right now/Though I used to be romantic/I forgot somehow,’ appear autobiographical in the context of Joel’s longh hiatus from songwriting. Says Wexler: “Billy has said in his own words, ‘I think it was fate’ that we met and that I presented this song a couple of years into our writing process. It really does feel like an idea he would have started himself.”

As for whether “Turn the Lights Back On” is a sign of more new material from Joel and another collaboration with the singer, Wexler quoted Emily Dickinson: “I dwell in possibility.”

“We’ve been kicking around some ideas,” he says. “Like I said, this was not the first idea we worked on. So there are others that I’m hopeful we’ll finish. And we’ve also talked about other mediums, like movies, stage or other things.”

Originally from New York City, Wexler calls collaborating with Joel a dream come true. “When I was younger, I used to close my eyes and imagine that my idols, Billy Joel, Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder, etc., would one day find me comment on any song I’d ever written and tell me it was pretty good. That was something I dreamed of. So to have Billy Joel tell me, ‘This is a damn good song or idea.’ And then to go and help me finish it and release it–I mean, wow. How do you think that makes me feel? It’s crazy.”

Wexler knew he wanted to create through music from an early age; he learned to play the piano when his mother performed for leukemia patients at Sloan Kettering Hospital. He had joined bands over the years, but it was a demo recording he made at age 18 that was a turning point. “It was sort of a feel-good pop song with a shuffle beat and me singing,” says Wexler. “That changed my life and set me on sort of focused my creativity on music.”

One person who heard Wexler’s demo was an aspiring singer named Stefani Germanotta; she hired Wexler to record her own demos. “I knew she was a star after a couple of vocal and piano takes,” Wexler remembers. “So I crashed a meeting at Sony Music—I was an intern—and declared ‘I’d found the next Madonna.’ They had a good laugh. But six months later, she changed her name to Lady Gaga. And as I’ve said, I take zero credit for Gaga’s success, but the whole thing gave me conviction that I had decent ears and a gut instinct that was worth listening to.”

In addition to his ability to recognize and spot talent, Wexler’s songwriting and producing skills have led him to collaborate with a bevy of stars and hit songs including Grande and Bieber’s “Stuck With U.” “I hope I bring an ability to hone in on the essence of an artist, what they stand for, and what they’re trying to say in a given moment in their life,” he says of his philosophy in the recording studio. “And help them find the best way to express that, both through a song and even through the sonics of a track.”

“I’d like to think that I bring a classic sensibility to the projects I work on,” he adds. “Even if the project is super modern, trendy, zeitgeist-y, whatever, I still like the songs that I’m part of to feel as timeless as possible.”

Wexler is also an entrepreneur who founded the Brain House, a songwriting collective in Los Angeles that he describes as a social experiment to determine maximum creative output. “I’d been following seven artists, producers, et cetera, online,” he says. “I’d also made money by this point having signed record deals and managing some people, that I decided I would use that to fly these strangers to L.A., put them under one roof, and create this songwriting commune. And that’s what happened. It was a successful experiment.”

Wexler developed a new model that he calls residency-based music publishing in which the house will publish anything created by the artists living in the commune. “It was a very mutually beneficial situation that would allow us to accumulate fractions of what could become hit catalogs – but also allow new songwriters, who didn’t want to sign their life away to a publishing deal, to have an interim situation that allowed them to create and possibly have their songs placed. By the end of the experiment, we had songs on albums from Selena Gomez to Jill Scott. It was exciting and it was a buzzing thing.

“Artists wanted to go [to the Brain House],” he continues. “‘What is this house where all these creatives are living together and making music all over?’ I think that’s something about me, that I don’t only write and produce or sign new artists–I also have a unique ability to create sort of these cultural moments, whether it’s with songs like “Stuck With U” or Billy Joel at the Grammys or the Brain House. They’re moments that help tell a story that connects people to a song. And I think in today’s world, that’s very important.”

Wexler also founded the Brain Music, a 360 music company that specializes in records, publishing and management. “I am a gut and instinct person,” he says. “So, for instance, when [the 2013 mix tape] Acid Rap came out by Chance the Rapper, I was moved by it. I felt instinctively that this was going to be a cultural moment. While everyone went after Chance the Rapper, I decided to go after the second best thing to Chance the Rapper, which was the main producer of the project, Nate Fox. I ended up signing Nate to a publishing deal. And so I co-publish a large piece of Acid Rap. There are a number of examples like that.”

Referencing his recent experience with Joel, Wexler says that inspiring people is his mission in life as a creator. “All of my success has come from moments where I was inspired. The story [of “Turn the Lights Back On”] inspires me to continue to dream. Hopefully, it inspires other people who are younger to do the same. And hopefully, it inspires people who are older that it’s never too late to do what you love, pursue your passion, and do what you were born to do. So that’s why it’s very meaningful to me.“


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