Richard Donner’s Cut of ‘Superman II’ Reveals Clark Kent’s Identity in the Wildest Way


The big picture

  • Richard Donner's original cut of Superman II featured a more intriguing reveal of Clark Kent's identity, with Lois Lane tricking him with a gun.
  • Christopher Reeve's performance as Clark Kent/Superman showcased his acting skills in both director Richard Lester's and Richard Donner's versions of the reveal scene.
  • Richard Donner's cut
    Superman II
    highlights Lois Lane's strength and intelligence, making her a more formidable match for Superman.

One of the most satisfying parts of many superhero movies is the eventual revelation of the identity of the man behind the mask. Batman, Spider-Man and Superman are among the heroes who have hidden who they are, only for their love interest to put the pieces together and discover that the man they thought they knew so well has a very dangerous side job. One of the best examples of this is one you may have never seen. In 1978, Richard Donner directed what is still one of the best superhero movies ever made, Supermanstarring Christopher Reeve i Margot Kidder. Donner was in the director's chair for Superman II, but behind the scenes problems caused it to be removed. When the movie came out, the audience saw Lois Lane discover that Clark Kent is the Man of Steelbut in Donner's cut, seen years later, the revelation is as wild as you can imagine Lois took out a guy and shot her man in the chest.

Richard Donner was fired during the filming of 'Superman II'

The late Richard Donner is one of the most successful directors of all time, but early in his career, he had a major breakthrough with his fourth film, the omenin 1976. As profitable as that film was, it was nothing compared to his next outing in 1978. supern, which brought the world's most famous superhero to the big screen. Supermanearned $134 million at the box office and made Christopher Reeve a household name.

Superman II it was actually shot right after the first moviewith the writer of the godfather, Mario Puzo, writing both scripts. The problem was that Richard Donner clashed with the father and son producers Alexander Salkind i Illya Salkind. A report of The New York Times said the Salkinds claimed Donner's cut was late and way over budget. This resulted in him being fired, however Superman II he had two-thirds of his scenes already shot. With Donner out, Richard Lester was brought in to finish the film. It didn't matter who the director was, the audience was still there, like Superman IIit earned $216 million worldwide.

Richard Lester's Superman reveal involves fire

With two different directors working on the same film, it caused Richard Lester replacing some of Donner's scenes with his own vision. The biggest change came with the most important of the scenes: the revelation to Lois Lane that Clark Kent is Superman. The road to the reveal goes down the same path, with Lois and Clark taking a trip to Niagra Falls. Visiting the falls, a small boy falls over a railing and starts plummeting over the falls. When Lois calls for help, Clark dons Superman's cape in an instant and saves the boy. As the Man of Steel walks away, the truth begins to hit Lois. How Superman happened to be at Niagra Falls right when she and Clark were there at the same time. “Clark's not here as usual,” she tells herself, smiling.


The movie Christopher Reeve is most proud of isn't 'Superman'

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a Christopher Reeve period drama!

The opening scene takes place in a hotel, with Lois sitting in front of an open fire in her room. When Clark brings him a comb, he trips and falls into the fire. Lois immediately goes to him to see how he has been burned. only to see that Clark is completely unharmed. She looks at him in shock. “You they are Superman.” Clark walks away, frustrated, only to stop, take off his glasses, and turn around, showing Lois who he really is. No exaggeration, but there's a quick moment when Reeve goes from a dejected Clark to a right. Superman, showing what a great actor he was, “We'd better talk,” Lois tells Clark that she's in love with him, with Lois and Clark opening up to each other as that his fears disappeared, but as much as it was, it all happened by chance.Richard Donner had something much more intriguing.

Lois Lane tricks Clark Kent into revealing his identity in Richard Donner's Cut

In 2006, with the release of Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut, fans got to see what the original director envisioned. Part of that involved seeing how he would portray Clark Kent as Superman. It was neither romantic nor sweet, but much creepier and, if you think about it, more appropriate. After saving the boy at Niagra Falls, Lois and Clark return to their hotel, but this time it's not to sit around a fire.

Here, Lois and Clark are talking, this time in costume, with Clark in a tuxedo, when Lois asks, “You're Superman, right?” A nervous Clark tells him he's hallucinating. Lois had jumped off the edge of a thirty-story building earlier in an attempt to get Clark to reveal himself as Superman, but despite saving herself, she was unable to prove that they were the same person. He tells her it was a near-tragic mistake, but Lois is back quite a bit. “I was wrong because I risked my life instead of yours,” he tells her, pulling out a revolver and aiming it with a sly grin on his face. As Clark stammers, she tells him, “Don't fall because you'll just have to get back up.” No doubt, shoots Clark directly in the chest. Immediately, an anxious Clark disappears and is replaced by a serious and stiff one. “This is you,” Lois says as Clark takes off his thick black glasses, revealing who he really is. Superman tells her that if he was wrong, Clark Kent would have been killed. Lois then does another twist, telling Clark that he shot her point blank. “I understand.” He tricked the strongest man in the world into revealing his true identity.

Although a little darker, and not as sweet and innocent, Donner's Superman reveal scene works better than Lester's. This is because, rather than being a fluke, the power is placed in Lois's hands. Literally She ends her suspicions and, instead of waiting, decides to find a way to trick Clark. It's a little cruel of her, maybe, but Margot Kidder's version of Lois Lane always had the upper hand. It also shows why Clark would fall for her so easily. This is not just a “damsel in distress” with a pretty face, but a strong woman who is her mental equal. Superman may be physically stronger than Lois Lane, but he's no match for her brains.

Superman II: The Ricard Donner Cut is available to watch on Prime Video in the US



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