Richard Linklater Reunited Jesse & Celine in This Strange Animated Film


The big picture

  • Richard Linklater's films focus on candid conversations and everyday life, challenging traditional narratives.
  • Awake Life
    uses animation to explore existentialism and self-reflection in dream sequences.
  • The cameos enter
    Awake Life
    hints at deeper connections with the

There aren't many filmmakers as connected to the rise of the independent film movement as Richard Linklater. Linklater's low-budget comedies Tramp i Dazed and confused proved that financial constraints didn't matter if there were memorable characters and dialogue. Linklater reached one of the creative peaks of his career with his 1995 romantic film Before sunrisewhich narrates the relationship between the American writer Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and the French Celine (Julie Delpy). Although these were characters that Linklater would eventually revisit in the film's official sequels, Hawke and Delpy repeated Before sunrise roles in the strange animated film Awake Life.

Awake Life was Linklater's first animated film and used the unique process of “rotoscoping” live action footage over a digitally created background. As a result, the film has a somewhat dreamlike logic that blurs the line between reality and imagination. It was a technique Linklater would revisit later in his career with the sci-fi thriller A dark scanner and the fantastic coming-of-age drama Apollo 10 ½. Despite this, Awake Life was an experimental project that allowed Linklater to continue the themes of Before sunrise.

Awake Life

A man travels through a dream meeting various people and discussing the meanings and purposes of the universe.

Publication date
March 7, 2002

Richard Linklater

Execution time
99 minutes

'Waking Life' features cameos from 'Before Sunrise's Jesse and Celine

One of the main characteristics of Linklater as a filmmaker is his rejection of traditional narrative lines. Instead of conforming to a standard story structure, Linklater often chooses to spend a few days in the lives of his characters, examining the mundanity of their existence. This is part of the reason that Before sunrise it is celebrated as one of the greatest romantic dramas ever made. Linklater isolates the film to an extended conversation between Jesse and Celine, showing them steadily falling in love as they learn more about each other. Linklater reiterated the format of Before sunrise with Awake Lifewhich also focused on a series of loosely connected conversations.

Awake Life it has perhaps even less structure than Before sunrise. Wiley Wiggins stars an unnamed protagonist who wanders through his subconscious as he considers questions of existentialism, free will and futility. Even if the film takes place entirely within a dream, there are several cameos from both Linklater's previous collaborators and non-actors, including Steven Soderbergh i Adam Goldberg. Celine and Jesse appear briefly as a happy couple discussing the nature of reality. Based on the mutual affection they show each other, Awake Life suggests that they chose to spend their lives with each other after the end of Before sunrise.

The cameos enter Awake Life allow Linklater to address the audience directly and draw attention to the issues of consciousness and objectivity. While it can be hard to relate to a character like the protagonist, with whom the viewer hasn't built a strong emotional connection, seeing familiar faces like Jesse and Celine makes it easier to stomach the film's more esoteric qualities . The dialogue also soars thanks to the excellent chemistry between Hawke and Delpy. Rather than feeling like a Socratic discussion, the scene feels like a genuine conversation between two lovers.

“Waking Life” is a thematic parallel to “Before Sunrise”

The cameo isn't entirely surprising, as Hawke has a history of appearing in Linklater films such as Ribbon, The Newton Boys, Childhood, i Fast food nation, among others. Despite this, Linklater included the cameos Awake Life to address the history of cinema. He stated that he saw his “own creations floating around with something to deliver this film” as he felt what Celine and Jesse were saying “is incredibly relevant to Awake Life.” However, Linklater did not have the necessary intent Awake Life serve as a direct continuation Before sunrise. He said that “you don't need to know them to know what's going on in the movie” and that it “wasn't too precious for that”.

The connection is successful, com both of us Before sunrise i Awake Life he emphasized conversation and debate. Yes Before sunrise explored the beauty of the conversation between two people when they realize they are in love, Awake Life explored the interiority of thought by visualizing dreams and the subconscious. Both films are not harmed by their slow pace as they isolate an aspect of the human condition that audiences can relate to. He also added a touch of humor when the film risked being a little too artsy.

'Waking Life' Led To 'Before' Trilogy

While it was fun to see Hawke and Delpy reprise their roles, it is not clear where Awake Life fits within the continuity of the Before trilogy The sequel to the movie, Before sunset, takes place nine years later, where it is revealed that Jesse and Celine have not seen each other since their initial meeting in France. This would suggest that the events of Awake Life they are simply an imagined memory, possibly by the protagonist who saw it Before sunrise. Linklater doesn't directly break the fourth wall, but he also showed no signs that he was trying to build his cinematic universe.

Regardless of whether it was intended to be “real,” Awake Life it set the stage for the more mature version of Jesse and Celine that appear Before sunset. Their conversations a Before sunrise they are largely introductory as they discuss simple philosophical topics to learn more about each other. However, the conversations that Jesse and Celine have Before sunset they are deeper as they begin to truly appreciate what it would be like to spend the rest of their lives with each other. 2013 Before midnight managed to turn the series into one of the greatest film trilogies of all time, however Awake Life it was the first hint that Jesse and Celine were characters worth revisiting.

Awake Life is available to rent on Amazon in the US

Rent on Amazon


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